Julie Stauffer

<<they need to know X, Y, and Z>>

Sounds like my dh and yes, Multiplication tables was big on his list. We
talked at length about WHY the kids need to know those things (so they can
hurry up and finish math tests) and do those reasons continue to apply if
the kids aren't subjected to things like tests.

It also helped that we set a time limit (2 years) when we would reassess how
things were going. I asked him to trust me not to do things that were
hurtful to the kids.

Then he watched the kids grow. My now 5yo who has never had any kind of
"instruction" from me knows her colors and numbers and letters. She knows a
few words to sight read and can do simple addition on her fingers (She likes
to announce "I know what plus 2 is 2 is --meaning what 2 +2= ). I think the
biggest thing is that people never seem concerned about our kids being
dullards (OK, Zach's sunday school teacher thinks he should be reading by 8)
but mostly people comment on how bright our children seem to be..


Tia Leschke

>It also helped that we set a time limit (2 years) when we would reassess how
>things were going. I asked him to trust me not to do things that were
>hurtful to the kids.

The spring when Lars would have started school, I told my dh that I didn't
think he should start that year, because he wouldn't even be 5 yet.
(October birthday) He didn't hesitate about that. "Oh no, he shouldn't
start this year." I figured we'd probably have to have the big talk about
it at some point, but I just acted as if we were homeschooling. (Of course
I secretly hoped that Lars would be an early reader, thinking that would
help with the discussion.) Well, the discussion never happened. Lars was
obviously doing fine (even though he didn't read for ages) and that was
that. Now dh is a big unschooling fan. He says he thinks that Lars would
have ended up being a bully if he went to school. (Big strong kid, already
showing some aggressive tendencies in preschool)

>Then he watched the kids grow. My now 5yo who has never had any kind of
>"instruction" from me knows her colors and numbers and letters.

I remember noticing that Lars didn't know his colours when the other
preschool kids did. I made a mental note to play colour lotto or something
but never got around to it. A couple of months later, I realized that he
knew them. I suppose maybe I started using the words in conversation more,
but not consciously.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island