
Regarding the dairy products thread, I noted the following in the
subject line of a recent post: "Re: diary sensitivity"!!!

I love to watch "Jeopardy," and my question to that answer would be,
"What my 16-year old daughter feels when I open her top dresser drawer!"

Denise in South Carolina

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree."

- Emily Bronte
<>- <>-


I'm #**sed. Sorry. I just had major probs with my browsers. So, I've had
to switch to Microsoft. Now I discover I can't spell check my emails. Oh


That had to be me! Spell checker doesn't do the sub line and I should
remember to check. (remember is one of those words that always gets
corrected for me too, I leave out the second m). It isn't my poor spelling
though, it is my fast typing. (although I am a horrid speller, not that it
has hurt my life one bit). I am glad my dyslexic typing is amusing. I got a
laugh out of it Denise, thanks for noticing.

Mary in Odahi (who is easily amused)