In a message dated 3/19/02 3:37:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, dmm5692@...

<< why do there have to be TERMS and definitions??! Some of YOU ARE caught
in that....and its tiring for me~\you could just say" this is what we do "or
" i am having this problem and i am looking for ideas." GOOD GOD!!!! we were
manicured in school we didnt homeschool to be repreimanded on line!!!!! i
enjoy homeschooling so much i realized this week its a gift i give mylsef.
all stumbled one way or another onto this "free" lifestyle. i dont want to
quit this list..but i find bashing so miserable. Denise >>

Hi Denise,

Some people are interested in the terms and definitions and so the discussion
is useful to them. I personally find it very fascinating. To each her own it
seems. If you are finding a particular thread irritating you, there could be
two ways to handle it. The first option would be to simply delete anything to
do with that thread. For myself, I find when something is irritating me, it
is an opportunity to learn more about myself because the situation is a
mirror for me. I have attracted something in my life as a learning
opportunity. Also, if there is something specific about unschooling you wish
to talk about, please feel free to bring it up for discussion. And welcome to
the list.

Living in Abundance