boys fighting
this is archaic.......BUT mine fight like that and they are still young
enough to "need pracitce" writing.even though we unschool so much......My
friend had 6 biological kids and a slew of foster kids as a single mom. SHE
has them the old-fashioned way from school> I WILL BE NICE TO MY
BROTHER> i tried this the other day .and they were alone in the kitchen
doing it (4 and 6 times according to age) AND THEY ENDED UP LAUGHING AND
haivng a great old time.kinda made me laugh. It breaks the mood they are
in.for sure!!!! ALSO~ becuase the older one really IS protective of the
younger ones, and they often play NICELY tog. too, i think they will outgrow
this??? HOPING SO!!!!! DENISE
enough to "need pracitce" writing.even though we unschool so much......My
friend had 6 biological kids and a slew of foster kids as a single mom. SHE
has them the old-fashioned way from school> I WILL BE NICE TO MY
BROTHER> i tried this the other day .and they were alone in the kitchen
doing it (4 and 6 times according to age) AND THEY ENDED UP LAUGHING AND
haivng a great old time.kinda made me laugh. It breaks the mood they are
in.for sure!!!! ALSO~ becuase the older one really IS protective of the
younger ones, and they often play NICELY tog. too, i think they will outgrow
this??? HOPING SO!!!!! DENISE