
OK, maybe this is too blunt, but you all are making me sad. I just
started homeshooling my 5 and 13 year old daughter. After trying to
do school at home, we have found that what I though was
called "unschooling" fits our family best. But, we are finding that
some think unschooling is not: real learning, good for the kids,
disciplined enough, etc, etc. Many of the families I know, through
church and through homeschooling organizations, don't agree with
unschooling and gently remind me of their opinions.

So, why am I sad? I finally found a group dedicated to unschooling
and you seem to be embroiled in some kind of argument. I guess I was
hoping that I would find an oasis from having to defend myself and my

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what's going on?

I'm looking forward to learning from more experienced unschoolers.



on 2/2/02 2:41 PM, laurelacademy2001 at laurelacademy2001@... wrote:

> Maybe I'm misunderstanding what's going on?
> I'm looking forward to learning from more experienced unschoolers.

Yes, there is actual real unschooling advice that does go on here. Really!
Periodically the list does erupt into chaos. *Hopefully* we're figuring out
how to stop the fires when the sparks are lit rather than allow them to
erupt into wildfires raging out of control ;-)

Just skip anything titled Administrative or any other title that seems
contentious for now :-) (Though the first Administrative post was the
periodic reminder of what we're supposed to be creating.)

Have you visited the website. The message boards are very
good and active. (And for some easier to read. Harder for others.)

If people are gently reminding you of their opinions about unschooling then
you are luckier than many ;-) Though not nearly as nice as having them blink
in confusion and not able to question! Usually I don't mention unschooling.
I say we follow my daughter's interests. They probably believe we do book
work that's on the topics she's interested in, but I'm not out to drag the
world to my way of thinking ;-)

Welcome Barbara!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Joseph Fuerst

Welcome Barbara!
I agree wit Joyce that you need to just ignore the "administrative" stuff
for awhile.....

I am thinking and hoping that some members of this list will start with some
new and interesting threads and topics.

I'm a bit worn out tonight from getting through my 7yo's birthday party.

Thanks to all for the puppet ideas. We had a wide selection from socks to
various stick figures. The far and away favorite turned out to be a full
body made from a thin grade of cardboard (actually, cereal boxes, etc.)
The kids them made clothes from pipes cleaners, old yarn, felt, glitter
glue). Later in the party, some of the kids put on a puppet show. They
took them home as favors.

DD got a simple marionette and a stuufed horse puppet also to add to our
'collection' of puppets.

It was cold, but sunny, and they were able to get creative on our old
picninc table in the back yard...making cleanup bearable.

It was pretty fun, actually....though I wish I had known which type would
be so popular....and I wish I hadn't procrastinated so long in pulling
things together.

Next b-day party I think we'll have the little ones make/decorate picture
frames...and I'll take photos on my digital camera (new toy for me from
Christmas)....If I plan well, I'll be ready to print out their photo and
send it home as a favor.

Oh, we made a castle cake...white chocolate fudge....very yummy and a BIG
HIT with everyone.
My youngsters got to decorate it this a.m. with various candies.
