
Only if it was sex with his mother or himself... ewww. He went a little
overboard with all that in Number of the Beast. I had a psychologist friend
of mine who had heard (how's that for "has to be true"?) that RAH had
developed some sort of personality disorder/brain problem in his last few
years that led to his increasingly odd later novels. He is one of the few
writers that have distinct periods; his juvenile novels, the transition
ones, the adult, and then what I think of as the weird period. Speaking of
"grok," there's a Napster-type service dh uses called "grokster" and he
pronounces it with a long O instead of rhyming with clock. Drives me crazy.

It's times like this that I realize... I must have been a nerd as a kid.
Everyone was so polite that they didn't tell me, but there's no other
explanation! :)


>>He struck me as way too obsessed with sex but whatever floated his boat!
Floated him a bunch of money too!


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