Save us from ourselves
I find this whole issue appalling. I find it disgusting. I can't even
begin to explain the multitude of places that this issue breaks down at.
I send my prayers to the people of Nevada for having to deal with this
issue now.
Especially since I don't find Nuclear energy to be of use in a world with
other options.
Posted in its entirety below:
(aside, for those wondering on copywright laws for me posting this
article, the article itself does have an option for me to email this
story. My browswer isn't associated with my email client so I'm copying
and pasting)
Nevada Picked for Nuclear Waste Site 01/10/2002 3:04 PM EST Email this
WASHINGTON (AP) - Addressing the most troubling issue facing the nuclear
industry, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham on Thursday chose Yucca
Mountain in Nevada to be the nation's burial site for thousands of tons
of nuclear waste.
Abraham concluded the site 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas was
"scientifically sound and suitable" as a repository for highly
radioactive used reactor fuel now kept at commercial reactors in 31
states, a department spokesman said.
A final administration decision will be up to President Bush, who has
championed the need for a central disposal site for the waste and is
expected to seek a federal license for the site in the coming months.
"The secretary made his decision on sound science," said Energy
Department spokesman Joe Davis.
Nevada officials, who have fought the proposed dump for more than a
decade, have vowed to use every means available to keep the waste out of
the state. They argue that despite 13 years of intense scientific study
the federal government has not adequately shown that the public can be
protected from future radiation.
Abraham, in notifying Nevada's governor of the decision, said "sound
science and compelling national interests" as well as growing concern
about nuclear materials since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks require
wastes to be consolidated at a central site.
"There are compelling national interests that require us to complete the
siting process and move forward with the development of a (waste)
repository," Abraham wrote Nevada Gov. Kenneth Guinn.
Earlier in the day White House adviser Karl Rove telephoned Guinn, a
Republican and strong opponent of the Yucca project, to attempt to soften
the political concerns.
But even a presidential decision is not expected to end the bitter debate
over siting of a national waste dump. The final word probably will come
from Congress.
Under a 1982 law, which directed the government to assume responsibility
for the commercial nuclear industry's highly radioactive waste, only
Congress can override the expected Nevada veto.
The site, which still faces a myriad of legal challenges from Nevada, is
not expected to be ready to accept waste until 2010 at the earliest. The
Nuclear Regulatory Commission also must issue a license, a process that
could take several years.
The government has spent $6.8 billion to study the Nevada site since
1983. After reviewing three sites, Congress settled on Yucca Mountain in
1987 as the only location to be pursued.
The Nevada site is a mountain of volcanic rock formed 13 million years
ago. For nearly two decades, scientists have worked to determine whether
its geology, volcanic history and hydrology are suitable for storing
materials that will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands
of years.
Power utilities have promoted the Yucca Mountain site as the most secure
and safest place to put the used reactor fuel now kept at reactor sites.
More than 40,000 tons of wastes already have built up at the plants with
2,000 tons added each year.
The site, if finally approved and licensed, is expected to hold up to
77,000 tons of waste, buried in a labyrinth of bunkers 900 feet beneath
the surface.
begin to explain the multitude of places that this issue breaks down at.
I send my prayers to the people of Nevada for having to deal with this
issue now.
Especially since I don't find Nuclear energy to be of use in a world with
other options.
Posted in its entirety below:
(aside, for those wondering on copywright laws for me posting this
article, the article itself does have an option for me to email this
story. My browswer isn't associated with my email client so I'm copying
and pasting)
Nevada Picked for Nuclear Waste Site 01/10/2002 3:04 PM EST Email this
WASHINGTON (AP) - Addressing the most troubling issue facing the nuclear
industry, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham on Thursday chose Yucca
Mountain in Nevada to be the nation's burial site for thousands of tons
of nuclear waste.
Abraham concluded the site 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas was
"scientifically sound and suitable" as a repository for highly
radioactive used reactor fuel now kept at commercial reactors in 31
states, a department spokesman said.
A final administration decision will be up to President Bush, who has
championed the need for a central disposal site for the waste and is
expected to seek a federal license for the site in the coming months.
"The secretary made his decision on sound science," said Energy
Department spokesman Joe Davis.
Nevada officials, who have fought the proposed dump for more than a
decade, have vowed to use every means available to keep the waste out of
the state. They argue that despite 13 years of intense scientific study
the federal government has not adequately shown that the public can be
protected from future radiation.
Abraham, in notifying Nevada's governor of the decision, said "sound
science and compelling national interests" as well as growing concern
about nuclear materials since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks require
wastes to be consolidated at a central site.
"There are compelling national interests that require us to complete the
siting process and move forward with the development of a (waste)
repository," Abraham wrote Nevada Gov. Kenneth Guinn.
Earlier in the day White House adviser Karl Rove telephoned Guinn, a
Republican and strong opponent of the Yucca project, to attempt to soften
the political concerns.
But even a presidential decision is not expected to end the bitter debate
over siting of a national waste dump. The final word probably will come
from Congress.
Under a 1982 law, which directed the government to assume responsibility
for the commercial nuclear industry's highly radioactive waste, only
Congress can override the expected Nevada veto.
The site, which still faces a myriad of legal challenges from Nevada, is
not expected to be ready to accept waste until 2010 at the earliest. The
Nuclear Regulatory Commission also must issue a license, a process that
could take several years.
The government has spent $6.8 billion to study the Nevada site since
1983. After reviewing three sites, Congress settled on Yucca Mountain in
1987 as the only location to be pursued.
The Nevada site is a mountain of volcanic rock formed 13 million years
ago. For nearly two decades, scientists have worked to determine whether
its geology, volcanic history and hydrology are suitable for storing
materials that will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands
of years.
Power utilities have promoted the Yucca Mountain site as the most secure
and safest place to put the used reactor fuel now kept at reactor sites.
More than 40,000 tons of wastes already have built up at the plants with
2,000 tons added each year.
The site, if finally approved and licensed, is expected to hold up to
77,000 tons of waste, buried in a labyrinth of bunkers 900 feet beneath
the surface.
Sarah Carothers
----- Original Message -----
From: Kolleen <
<The government has spent $6.8 billion to study the Nevada site since
1983. After reviewing three sites, Congress settled on Yucca Mountain in
1987 as the only location to be pursued.
The Nevada site is a mountain of volcanic rock formed 13 million years
ago. For nearly two decades, scientists have worked to determine whether
its geology, volcanic history and hydrology are suitable for storing
materials that will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands
of years.>
That is sickening. WHAT are we doing to this planet!!!!
Sarah... totally disgusted.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Alrighty, what they left out of that report is that this nuclear "garbage"
will be transported to that site via railroad or trucks THROUGH HEAVILY
POPULATED AREAS without prior notice to the communities.
Now, let me tell ya about some of the areas that these roads and tracks pass
through. Let's take the Snake River Canyon for one. Or the area here in
Northern California where the train went off the track and contaminated the
river FOR YEARS! Or how about the train a couple of months ago that
necessitated the evacuation of a whole city.
Or, how about all those drums they dumped in the ocean that they now know
are leaking!
If they can develope nuclear energy, can someone tell me why they can't
develope a way to undo the process and thus get rid of the waste product?
Maybe if they had spent those billions on a constructive pro-active way to
deal with the waste materials we wouldn't have to worry about dumping it!
OH, and what about the fact that the Frontal Lobotomy Boys want to start
(actually I hear they already have) testing nuclear bombs again. Hmmmm, and
exactly how close to the dump site are the test sites???
Ya know, I've seen roadkill with more smarts that the boys in DC!
will be transported to that site via railroad or trucks THROUGH HEAVILY
POPULATED AREAS without prior notice to the communities.
Now, let me tell ya about some of the areas that these roads and tracks pass
through. Let's take the Snake River Canyon for one. Or the area here in
Northern California where the train went off the track and contaminated the
river FOR YEARS! Or how about the train a couple of months ago that
necessitated the evacuation of a whole city.
Or, how about all those drums they dumped in the ocean that they now know
are leaking!
If they can develope nuclear energy, can someone tell me why they can't
develope a way to undo the process and thus get rid of the waste product?
Maybe if they had spent those billions on a constructive pro-active way to
deal with the waste materials we wouldn't have to worry about dumping it!
OH, and what about the fact that the Frontal Lobotomy Boys want to start
(actually I hear they already have) testing nuclear bombs again. Hmmmm, and
exactly how close to the dump site are the test sites???
Ya know, I've seen roadkill with more smarts that the boys in DC!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sarah Carothers" <puddles@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Save us from ourselves
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kolleen <
> snip
> <The government has spent $6.8 billion to study the Nevada site since
> 1983. After reviewing three sites, Congress settled on Yucca Mountain in
> 1987 as the only location to be pursued.
> The Nevada site is a mountain of volcanic rock formed 13 million years
> ago. For nearly two decades, scientists have worked to determine whether
> its geology, volcanic history and hydrology are suitable for storing
> materials that will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands
> of years.>
> snip
> That is sickening. WHAT are we doing to this planet!!!!
> Sarah... totally disgusted.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
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> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
>OH, and what about the fact that the Frontal Lobotomy Boys want to startI KNOW this is a serious subject BUT I got tears in my eyes here
>(actually I hear they already have) testing nuclear bombs again. Hmmmm, and
>exactly how close to the dump site are the test sites???
>Ya know, I've seen roadkill with more smarts that the boys in DC!
laughing... Geez Lynda yah got a real gift for bringing important
information to people's eyes without losing them to fear!
Led any revolts lately? You'd sure make a great activist leader!!!!
Sarah Carothers
Kolleen declared:
<Led any revolts lately? You'd sure make a great activist leader!!!!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
<Led any revolts lately? You'd sure make a great activist leader!!!!
>:-) I'll follow you, Lynda. I've seen your track record and I trust your judgement!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
That was in my younger years <g> I think I'm too rickity to march around
Berkeley or Alcatraz anymore <g>
Berkeley or Alcatraz anymore <g>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kolleen" <Kolleen@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Save us from ourselves
> >OH, and what about the fact that the Frontal Lobotomy Boys want to start
> >(actually I hear they already have) testing nuclear bombs again. Hmmmm,
> >exactly how close to the dump site are the test sites???
> >
> >Ya know, I've seen roadkill with more smarts that the boys in DC!
> >
> >Lynda
> I KNOW this is a serious subject BUT I got tears in my eyes here
> laughing... Geez Lynda yah got a real gift for bringing important
> information to people's eyes without losing them to fear!
> Led any revolts lately? You'd sure make a great activist leader!!!!
> *smiles*
> kolleen
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at:
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> Another great list sponsored by Home Education Magazine!
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
<<<bewg>>> Ya, I can see us now--fancy irridescent wheelchairs and walkers
(dibs on purple <g>) surrounded by various and sundry pets and kids as we
take on city hall <g> We'll wack them up along side their thinking ends
with our canes and straighten them right up!
(dibs on purple <g>) surrounded by various and sundry pets and kids as we
take on city hall <g> We'll wack them up along side their thinking ends
with our canes and straighten them right up!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sarah Carothers" <puddles@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Save us from ourselves
> Kolleen declared:
> <Led any revolts lately? You'd sure make a great activist leader!!!!
> *smiles*
> kolleen
> >
> :-) I'll follow you, Lynda. I've seen your track record and I trust your
> Sarah
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at:
> To unsubscribe, set preferences, or read archives:
> Another great list sponsored by Home Education Magazine!
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Sarah Carothers
<That was in my younger years <g> I think I'm too rickity to march around
Berkeley or Alcatraz anymore <g>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Berkeley or Alcatraz anymore <g>
>We could take turns pushing your wheelchair ;-) We'd need you there.. somebody with your spunk and fire.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tia Leschke
At 10:11 PM 10/01/2002 -0800, you wrote:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island
><<<bewg>>> Ya, I can see us now--fancy irridescent wheelchairs and walkersThe Raging Grannies! Or are they only in Canada?
>(dibs on purple <g>) surrounded by various and sundry pets and kids as we
>take on city hall <g> We'll wack them up along side their thinking ends
>with our canes and straighten them right up!
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island