[email protected]

In a message dated 1/7/2002 5:29:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,
puddles@... writes:
> I remember taking a field trip several years ago to the local tv station.
> We
> gathered in the lobby to wait for everybody to get there and naturally,
> there was a big-screen tv for all to view. The kids who had limited tv were
> GLUED to the tube and were like zombies when somebody spoke to them. The
> kids who were *not* limited with tv were more interested in the
> surroundings
> and how things work, etc. It was interesting to watch because there was not
> just two families involved (one tv and one not) but an entire group of
> unschoolers! I reinforced my belief to not limit tv.
> Sarah


I am happy to be 'tuning in' amongst all you fellow unschoolers. I've been
on other lists that weren't even a quarter as active as this one. I want you
know that over the last few days reading all your posts - I sense a certain
'freedom' here and I like it.

I take a snip of Sarah's post because I could relate to her experience. When
my kids were more restricted to tv, they wanted it all the more. It drove me
nuts! Now, (mostly, except for my six yos) it's no big deal... A little
reverse psychology in action. It's working.

Anyway, our family lives in MA, USA. We have six children ages 12, 9, 6, 4,
2.5, and 6 mos. We have always home schooled. Our modes and methods have
changed over the years but our overall mission remains the same. That is, to
be out of the systems and to be 'free' as God should lead us. It's been
quite a trip!

~ Lisa

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