
>> Thinking back to my childhood and now w/ my relationship w/ my mother.
>I now see she doesn't have confidence in me and this is probably a huge
>to the puzzle. Thank you.

Nicki, I have the same issue (almost) with my decisions about my son. And
its only in the past few years has my mom said any kind of comment about
my choices. I mean ANY. She was a 'hands-off' mother and sometimes, as a
teen or a young adult, I wish I had input that could of helped me. She
offered none.

And after reading posts from Tia and Dar, I realize its not that she
doesn't have confidence in me, its because she doesn't have confidence in
HERSELF! Confidence to know that she gave me the modeling and grounding
that was necessary for me to make informed and intelligent choices.

Its her issue, not yours. Do yourself a favour and keep reminding
yourself. Its not easy.

Parents are the ones that should tread the lightest, because their words
cut the hardest.

warm regards,

ps. I'm sure your doing great with your children, from your posts you
sure sound like it!