[email protected]

In a message dated 12/08/2001 6:10:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> >I have NEVER even considered doing anything like this to my kids. I'm so
> >thankful that we can all take showers or baths whenever we want, as hot as
> >we like. This said, my boys usually end up taking showers about once a
> >week or so, sometimes more, sometimes less.
> And somewhere around about puberty, they'll start taking showers every day
> (or more). I have to call my son 2 or 3 times to get him out of the shower
> now.

There's also a magic point between the beginning of puberty and the point
where the urge to bathe kicks in. That's where we are now. Sometimes the kid
just smells to the point that you can't stand to be in the room (or the CAR!)
with him. He's pretty responsive when we ask him to bathe/put on deodorant
at that point, but it can be pretty bad. LOL

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