Julie Stauffer

<<more like my daughters than like my son>>


My son is a lot like yours. He doesn't like to brush his teeth because he
has developed a "thing" about toothpaste. The backs of his ears could grow
potatoes. His room is a disaster. His choices in these areas do not
reflect my priorities. Normally, that is fine. But at some point, his
choices bump up against others in the family and we have to come up with a
plan. When I am out money because Zach needs extra dental care, we have a
talk about his teeth and eventually decided that I would remind him every
morning to brush.

I work very hard to look at my reasoning behind my intervention. Is it
because his actions are not what I would choose or are they actually
interfering with other people? That is the basis I use to determine if I
will step in......so his room is still a disaster and his ears are filthy .
