Hey all, jacli here :)
Whew! I just cannot seem to keep up with all the email!
I always seem to be a bit behind with this list, sorry.
Anyway, I saw the movie the day it came out. (but once
is my limit, we know we're gonna get the dvd, paying for
movie again and again and again just seems silly)
I got the whole family up at 8 am sharp.

I actually was the first one to read Harry Potter.
It was featured in a little featurette/novelette form in
Science Fiction Age before the book was actually published.
So when the books came out guess who got each and every
I love the books. I was a little concerned about letting
my daughter
read them to be honest. There is a fair amount of scary
content and
in book 2 and 3 a couple of swear words to boot. But all
in all I decided
to go slow and see what happens. She loves them. We have
the books,
the games, the cups. We've seen the toys and both daughter
and I declared them "lame". Sweatshirts are cool but I
draw the line at bedclothes though. I like Harry Potter,
LIKE. I don't allow any movie/books to dictate home decor.
I made that clear with the inlaws who insisted on buying
Beauty and the Beast sheets. And Pocahontas sheets. And
Hercules, and well you get the idea...

well just my two cents for the day! Jacli "the obsessed"
BTW, for any of my fellow anal retentives out there there
is a Harry Potter
mention on the site.
Go to:
and of course the official Harry Potter site ( ) has been in my
favorites list since early this year.!

<<So who has seen the movie yet? How many times (if at
all) have you or
your kids read the books? Is everyone getting the
official sheets/
toothpaste/action figures/toys/breakfast cereal for
the holidays?
Kathy B.>>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


We all went and saw the movie on Thanksgiving Day as a special treat.
We had already read book #1 and now the boys can't wait to start #2. We
were at Walmart yesterday and they saw the Harry Potter socks. They
were not expensive, so I went ahead and bought them along with Scoobie
Doo slippers. They needed both anyway. I don't see anything wrong with
buying those items you mentioned below, if it will may my babies happy.
Anything to make them happy!! (Well, almost. And, if I can afford it
also). My only exception would be the cereal. But they know I usually
don't buy cereal full of sugar like that.


> <<So who has seen the movie yet? How many times (if at
> all) have you or
> your kids read the books? Is everyone getting the
> official sheets/
> toothpaste/action figures/toys/breakfast cereal for
> the holidays?
> Kathy B.>>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Joan Balistrieri

----- Original Message -----
From: cleopatra@...

"There is a fair amount of scary
content and
in book 2 and 3 a couple of swear words to boot."

Ooooo #4 is very scary. My son was 8 when we read it and we both decided to read it only in the daylight! I began reading HP to him but I got hooked as well--sometimes I'd continue to read after he fell asleep at night and then have to back track for him the next day. We've read all 4 books and listened to 1 and 2 on audio as well. We are very impatiently waiting for #5 to come out. We saw the movie and thought it was well-done, but of course, much was left out so that was a disappointment. We don't (so far) have any of the "stuff," though ds will be getting some Lego/HP items for Christmas. The children have their own money, which they are free to use on HP if they wish but so far the Legos are the only thing creating an interest here.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 14:50:43 -0500 "Joan Balistrieri" <jb@...>
> Ooooo #4 is very scary. My son was 8 when we read it and we both
> decided to read it only in the daylight!

#4 is the scariest, but also the saddest. Cacie (who I guess was 7 when
she read that one) was much more sad than scared.

Cacie has a Hogwarts t shirt (Dillards clearance) and I have a Hogwarts
purple canvas knitting bag (Target clearance - I think they called it a
tote bag ;-). They cost 3 or 4 bucks each... we're getting the Lego
Hogwarts for Christmas...technically she's getting it, but she knows how
I love to put lego stuff together and always shares the big ones.

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