[email protected]

In a message dated 11/24/01 1:21:27 AM Mountain Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> I just wish they were giving better unschooling advice than they are. I'll
> still be around, but I won't be here.
> Sandra

Sandra you are the main reason I stay here. I have been reading and
occasionally posting for I guess 8 months or so. I am so tired of the single
mindedness of some that I have been deleting off and on so I didn't have to
read yet another nitpicking stint. It isn't just that, if ones opinion is the
only right opinion there is no room for growth. No one person is an
authority, the universe is too spirited for that.

The bitterness and venom that some posters write w/ really have turned me
off. I am so close to unsubing but then I get a tidbit of unschooling wisdom
and stay. I Thank you Sandra for you insights and stories, I know unschooling
will work for us. You have encouraged me w/out knowing it.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Julie Stauffer

<<Social workers have practically no power in removing children>>

Where do you live? Here in Texas, it can be done very easily. A social
worker simply has to show up and take them. She/he requires no proof or
even concerns about possible abuse until the show cause hearing several days

Julie--foster and adoptive mom