Bridget E Coffman

I didn't think of this when the thread started and now I can't remember
who asked the original question but . . .
. . . if you have a father, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. who thinks
textbooks are a necessity, perhaps you could show them the study of
errors in textbooks and some really bad textbooks. It might help them
understand why they are not an absolute good thing.


> P.s. The fathers dependence on textbooks is his own hang up, again
IMO, and
> whether they could help him or not I wouldnt know. Maybe he could read
> Holt, it takes awhile to get used to unschooling if you havent done it
> along, we are still deschooling.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it
goes on.
- Robert Frost