
My twelve year old son is physically gorgeous and prefers to let his very
curly hair grow until it gets totally out of control (so the squirrels will
be comfortable, don't you know). He also tends to dress rather androgynously.
As a result, he is often mistaken for a girl. When it happens, he casually
will say, "Actually, I'm a boy," whereupon the person will apologize

The thing is, he doesn't see being mistaken for a girl as an insult.
Certainly not worth changing his appearance for. I suspect, as he's hit
puberty with a vengeance, it's not likely to come up for much longer.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Kirby used to have a bowl haircut in front and waist-length in back, but he
got tired of people thinking he was a girl (that's when he was seven, eight
or so) and so he asked me to cut it, and said he'd grow it again when he was
older and nobody would mix him up anymore.

He's broad-shouldered and has some facial hair, and his hair's about to pass
the middle of his back again.


"Everything counts."