Helen Hegener

Posted to the HEM-Writer's list by Marsha Ransom:

"School's Out" by Dan Pink in Reason Magazine. A neat article on



For much of the 20th century, the U.S. depended on what I call the
Thanksgiving turkey model of education. We placed kids in the oven of
formal education for 12 years, and then served them up to employers.
(A select minority got a final, four-year basting at a place called
college.) But this model doesn't work in a world of accelerated cycle
times, shrinking company half-lives, and the rapid obsolescence of
knowledge and skills. In a free agent economy, our education system
must allow people to learn throughout their lives.

Home schooling and alternatives to high school will create a nation
of self-educators, free agent learners, if you will. Adults who were
home-schooled youths will know how to learn and expect to continue
the habit throughout their lives.
