Any thoughts on how to put the "un" in school and still comply with
these ?

The 11 required subjects needs to be included in your curriculum.
RCW 28A.225.010 (4)
The 11 required subjests are reading, writing, spelling, language,
math, science, social studies, history, health, occupational
education, and art and music appreciation.

VI You must keep records. RCW 28A.200.010 (2)
Your homeschool records should include the student's annual test
scores or assessment report (see V) and immunization records,
together with any other records that are kept relating to
instructional and educational activities.

In a message dated 10/02/2001 10:10:34 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
gunnerfunner@... writes:

> The 11 required subjects needs to be included in your curriculum.
> RCW 28A.225.010 (4)
> The 11 required subjests are reading, writing, spelling, language,
> math, science, social studies, history, health, occupational
> education, and art and music appreciation.
> VI You must keep records. RCW 28A.200.010 (2)
> Your homeschool records should include the student's annual test
> scores or assessment report (see V) and immunization records,
> together with any other records that are kept relating to
> instructional and educational activities.

The content doesn't sound like a problem to me (of couse moving crossed my
midn too!). I'm sure you do all those things. Just getting it in a form
that's acceptable to your locals. Do you have a local support group? Sorry
-- I forget. Maybe someone there can share what a minimalist version of the
above dreck looks like.

The standardized testing? Can that be avoided by doing whatever V is about??


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And btw this is why we became a private school/umbrella school. Tired of
writing down what we did in the right words.

Is that an option?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

apple heidi

Please forgive me Nance , but how do you become a
private school ? I have never heard of anything of the
sort .
BTW , moving IS a thought but not for sometime
unfortunatly . I can't wait to pack up all the kids
and move off to the wilds of Montana some day . The
city is a place that not many of us like but we some
how ended up here years ago when we were teens
ourselves .
Support groups here are in short demand . People find
out you homeschool and they look at you & your kids
like you're from another planet . They sware up and
down you're raising an idiot that won't be fit for
society at any age because they'll be completely
ignorant . These people even include family members .
I'll check our State HS Assosiation and see what they
have to say . I had spoken to them a few times during
our 1st attempt at hs-ing and they seem to be very
rigid as if they were part of a public school system .
Maybe I just came across that person on a bad day .
God knows we all have them !

Til later
--- marbleface@... wrote:
> And btw this is why we became a private
> school/umbrella school. Tired of
> writing down what we did in the right words.
> Is that an option?
> Nance
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

Do You Yahoo!?
Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.

What state is this. I probably missed something, but this is kinda scary.

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--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., HSMOTGO@a... wrote:
> What state is this. I probably missed something, but this is kinda

Good evening
This state is none other than Washington . No , not DC either . We
seem to be over run with rules , laws , and regulations to try and
discourage us from anything that our law makers don't see as "fit" .
Very scary as far as I'm concerned !

In a message dated 10/2/01 7:13:04 PM, gunnerfunner@... writes:

<< Please forgive me Nance , but how do you become a
private school ? I have never heard of anything of the
sort .
BTW , moving IS a thought but not for sometime
unfortunatly . I can't wait to pack up all the kids
and move off to the wilds of Montana some day . >>

Where are you now?

There are unschoolers operating happily (and even legally) in every U.S.
state. There are state folders at, and sorry if I missed
a what-state answer earlier.

Also look at Carol Narigon's curriculum which she has turned in in Ohio (this
one and variants thereof):



"Everything counts."

In a message dated 10/03/2001 2:25:09 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
gunnerfunner@... writes:

> Good evening

Oh. I thought Washington was one of the easy states.

Hmmmm . . .


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I am so sorry to hear that. Move on down here to Fla. it is just a tad
nicer, regulation wise! LOl

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