Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1514
Bridget E Coffman
> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 07:19:34 -0700 (PDT)I mentioned it because it was part of the point that they are
> From: Sharon Rudd <bearspawprint@...>
> Subject: IQ was I'd love some help (long)
> --- Bridget E Coffman <rumpleteasermom@...>
> wrote:
>> . My dh and I both score really well on IQ tests (usually
> > in the MENSA level).
> > And neither of us thinks they are worthwhile.
> ..............................................
> Then why did you mention it? Why "testS"? Why
meaningless. Easy to say if you score badly, harder to say if you score
well. "Tests" because we consider them games. We LIKE taking them.
"Usually" because if we are tired or run down or having a bad day or
distracted or not really paying attention we sometimes don't break the
MENSA level.
OO oo 00 oo OO 00 oo OO oo 00 oo OO 00 oo OO oo 00
oo OO 00 oo
And the Geezer says:
"Back in my day, 'Astral Projection' meant mooning someone!"
Tami Labig-Duquette
What is the mensa level? I used to have a link to a free IQ test,( not sure
if it was a real one or not), I had a 190 is that good? I only took it once,
so I can see how you say if your having a bad day etc. it would off.
Indiana Tami
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if it was a real one or not), I had a 190 is that good? I only took it once,
so I can see how you say if your having a bad day etc. it would off.
Indiana Tami
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
Try out this fun site!
>From: Bridget E Coffman <rumpleteasermom@...>_________________________________________________________________
>Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1514
>Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 21:34:46 -0400
> > Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 07:19:34 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Sharon Rudd <bearspawprint@...>
> > Subject: IQ was I'd love some help (long)
> >
> >
> > --- Bridget E Coffman <rumpleteasermom@...>
> > wrote:
> >> . My dh and I both score really well on IQ tests (usually
> > > in the MENSA level).
> > > And neither of us thinks they are worthwhile.
> > ..............................................
> > Then why did you mention it? Why "testS"? Why
> > "USUALLY"?
> >
>I mentioned it because it was part of the point that they are
>meaningless. Easy to say if you score badly, harder to say if you score
>well. "Tests" because we consider them games. We LIKE taking them.
>"Usually" because if we are tired or run down or having a bad day or
>distracted or not really paying attention we sometimes don't break the
>MENSA level.
>OO oo 00 oo OO 00 oo OO oo 00 oo OO 00 oo OO oo 00
>oo OO 00 oo
>And the Geezer says:
> "Back in my day, 'Astral Projection' meant mooning someone!"
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--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "Tami Labig-Duquette"
<labigduquette@h...> wrote:
<labigduquette@h...> wrote:
> What is the mensa level?They explain it here. There's a cool test here too. It was fun!
Sharon Rudd
Oh Tami....You are Priceless!!
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> What is the mensa level? I used to have a link to a__________________________________________________
> free IQ test,( not sure
> if it was a real one or not), I had a 190 is that
> good? I only took it once,
> so I can see how you say if your having a bad day
> etc. it would off.
> Indiana Tami
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the
> world"
> ~Ghandi
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Sharon Rudd
Are you flattered by the rating system?
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>........ LIKE taking them..........__________________________________________________
> Bridget
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In a message dated 10/01/2001 2:02:25 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
bearspawprint@... writes:
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
bearspawprint@... writes:
> Are you flattered by the rating system?Why?
> >........ LIKE taking them..........
> > Bridget
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm not sure what your asking exactly but maybe this is the
answer . . .
we like taking the tests. We like playing with the questions and
such. We look at them like puzzle books. Often, we don't even look
at the scoring part (or look as an after thought), we just check the
answers to see if we did them all right. Or to see what the answers
are if we aren't sure of some.
But how could I be flattered by something I view as a game? I'm not
flattered by crossword puzzles either.
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., Sharon Rudd <bearspawprint@y...>
answer . . .
we like taking the tests. We like playing with the questions and
such. We look at them like puzzle books. Often, we don't even look
at the scoring part (or look as an after thought), we just check the
answers to see if we did them all right. Or to see what the answers
are if we aren't sure of some.
But how could I be flattered by something I view as a game? I'm not
flattered by crossword puzzles either.
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., Sharon Rudd <bearspawprint@y...>
> Are you flattered by the rating system?
> >........ LIKE taking them..........
> > Bridget
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., Sharon Rudd <bearspawprint@y...>
cyberspace so if this is a dup, sorry!
I'm not sure what you are asking but I think the answer is no. I am
not flattered by crossword puzzles, word and logic games or jigsaw
puzzles. I put IQ tests in the same category. We play with them but
sometimes don't even bother looking at the scoring system.
>I wrote an answer to this but it seems to have gotten lost in
> Are you flattered by the rating system?
> >........ LIKE taking them..........
> > Bridget
cyberspace so if this is a dup, sorry!
I'm not sure what you are asking but I think the answer is no. I am
not flattered by crossword puzzles, word and logic games or jigsaw
puzzles. I put IQ tests in the same category. We play with them but
sometimes don't even bother looking at the scoring system.
Many people enjoy doing things they do well. My entire family of origin loves
taking tests. In fact, we must not be THAT rare, because there's a web site
for people liking to take tests in their spare time (, I
:-) Diane
Sharon Rudd wrote:
taking tests. In fact, we must not be THAT rare, because there's a web site
for people liking to take tests in their spare time (, I
:-) Diane
Sharon Rudd wrote:
> Are you flattered by the rating system?
> >........ LIKE taking them..........
> > Bridget
> __________________________________________________
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Hey, I like taking tests. They are fun and a challenge. So, if someone
enjoys them, why not. The kidlets love challenges too, though they are test
takers. We all like puzzles and tests and challenges are like puzzles.
Along those lines, a year ago the kidlets and I found a Saxon teacher's
edition (the one with all the answers) at a library sale for $1 and bought
it. Then we went through the book and found all the errors and incorrect
answers and sent it into the company.
Oh, better do a complete explanation so I don't have to answer questions
later. We had been talking about how when I was in school I would bring
home math papers that said "x" number were wrong and I would sit down with
my dad to rework them (it was required) and we would find that my answers
were right. I always got a ration of bs from the teacher because teacher's
books never lie, yeah right!
So when we saw the book at the library sale, next to youngest kidlet
remembered the talk and said, "hey, let's see how many are wrong."
enjoys them, why not. The kidlets love challenges too, though they are test
takers. We all like puzzles and tests and challenges are like puzzles.
Along those lines, a year ago the kidlets and I found a Saxon teacher's
edition (the one with all the answers) at a library sale for $1 and bought
it. Then we went through the book and found all the errors and incorrect
answers and sent it into the company.
Oh, better do a complete explanation so I don't have to answer questions
later. We had been talking about how when I was in school I would bring
home math papers that said "x" number were wrong and I would sit down with
my dad to rework them (it was required) and we would find that my answers
were right. I always got a ration of bs from the teacher because teacher's
books never lie, yeah right!
So when we saw the book at the library sale, next to youngest kidlet
remembered the talk and said, "hey, let's see how many are wrong."
----- Original Message -----
From: <marbleface@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1514
> In a message dated 10/01/2001 2:02:25 PM !!!First Boot!!!,
> bearspawprint@... writes:
> > Are you flattered by the rating system?
> >
> > >........ LIKE taking them..........
> > > Bridget
> >
> >
> Why?
> Nance
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Sharon Rudd
That's a good point, Diane. The folowing most likely
does ot apply to you.....
However, I don't think it reflects good anything to
brag about one's self-administered "IQ" test scores.
To make reference to such scores at all (unless it
comes out crummy) is bragging. Sorta blunt, but, that
was my original point. It is similiar to saying "I
looked in the mirror, and I look good. On a scale of 1
to 10, compared to other people, I rate a __." Just
not done. Tacky. "I took a self-administered IQ test
and I got a really high score, compared to what most
people would probably make (ie Mensa level)" THAT WAS
PARAPHRASED, NOT A QUOTE is just not nice.
The test criteria are faulty. The test setup is
faulty. The whole idea of IQ is faulty. And the
comaparison stuff is faulty.
Sharon, who scores quite high in stubborness and
ability to put foot in mouth quickly and in multiple
sequences. Those aren't gifts. I practice.
--- Diane <cen46624@...> wrote:
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does ot apply to you.....
However, I don't think it reflects good anything to
brag about one's self-administered "IQ" test scores.
To make reference to such scores at all (unless it
comes out crummy) is bragging. Sorta blunt, but, that
was my original point. It is similiar to saying "I
looked in the mirror, and I look good. On a scale of 1
to 10, compared to other people, I rate a __." Just
not done. Tacky. "I took a self-administered IQ test
and I got a really high score, compared to what most
people would probably make (ie Mensa level)" THAT WAS
PARAPHRASED, NOT A QUOTE is just not nice.
The test criteria are faulty. The test setup is
faulty. The whole idea of IQ is faulty. And the
comaparison stuff is faulty.
Sharon, who scores quite high in stubborness and
ability to put foot in mouth quickly and in multiple
sequences. Those aren't gifts. I practice.
--- Diane <cen46624@...> wrote:
> Many people enjoy doing things they do well. My__________________________________________________
> entire family of origin loves
> taking tests. In fact, we must not be THAT rare,
> because there's a web site
> for people liking to take tests in their spare time
> (, I
> think).
> :-) Diane
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Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.
Julie Stauffer
<<wrong crowd>>
I was Dan. When I was fifteen, I skipped school, drank like a fish, smoked
pot, ran with drug dealers. I also wrote award winning poetry, helped a
friend through a suicide scare, danced through school with very good grades
and learned how to be a good friend. My dad was the local state trooper in
a very small town. I know the temptation to "put the fear of God" into me
had to be strong.
What my parents did was keep the communication open. Yes, I would get
grounded (they never claimed to be NCP) but we would continue to laugh and
talk together. My friends were always welcome at my home and were never met
at the door by parents gritting their teeth, trying to not be hostile. My
parents worked to find something of value in my friends and something of
value in me. To this day, we are good friends and I talk with them often.
Yes, I did some stuff that could have gotten me killed or jailed. But that
stuff made me who I am today, a person I really like by the way.
I was Dan. When I was fifteen, I skipped school, drank like a fish, smoked
pot, ran with drug dealers. I also wrote award winning poetry, helped a
friend through a suicide scare, danced through school with very good grades
and learned how to be a good friend. My dad was the local state trooper in
a very small town. I know the temptation to "put the fear of God" into me
had to be strong.
What my parents did was keep the communication open. Yes, I would get
grounded (they never claimed to be NCP) but we would continue to laugh and
talk together. My friends were always welcome at my home and were never met
at the door by parents gritting their teeth, trying to not be hostile. My
parents worked to find something of value in my friends and something of
value in me. To this day, we are good friends and I talk with them often.
Yes, I did some stuff that could have gotten me killed or jailed. But that
stuff made me who I am today, a person I really like by the way.