[email protected]

Just some trivia from our personal experience meant to encourage new
unschoolers who are wondering if they'll cover enough bases for their
children's success. My daughter seems to have learned whether I
"push" something or even try to "supress" something.

For example, I don't believe in unsupervised kids, so I subtly tried
to discourage my daughter from learning to ride a two wheeler as there
is no where for her to ride safely around here. I was never
"available" to help her, dad took a long time revamping the rummage
sale bike and it was always stored in an inconvenient part of the
garage. Well, she learned how to ride anyway BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO.
Turned out to be okay as while she won't go for exercise walks with
me, she will ride her bike while I walk and waits for me at the corner
so we can cross streets together.

I also don't believe in giving young children allowances. If my
daughter wanted something, she asks and I buy it for her or it goes on
her gift list. Now she "earns" her own money by turning her brother's
clean socks right side out and pushing the grocery cart for him while
I do his shopping (he pays her) and she quickly learned that 2.99 is
really $3 and you always need extra for sales tax and she shops very
carefully with her own money and doesn't beg for stuff from me, too. I
also don't find loose coins lying around her room anymore.

From the time she was born (it seems) I was anxious for her to read,
but she wasn't interested. Then along came Harry Potter when she was
8 and I read aloud for hours until I was hoarse. It was then she
jumped in and read because I physically could not and we both wanted
to find out what happened next! At nine she now reads as well as if
she HAD started as a new born!

We love our brand of unschooling and have a great relationship. Hope
this helps,

Terese in Milwaukee

Sharon Rudd

Hi Terese
Your story isn't trivia, and it does help me. You put
a smile in my day.
Thanks, Sharon

> We love our brand of unschooling and have a great
> relationship. Hope
> this helps,
> Terese in Milwaukee

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