Julie Stauffer

<<tell you about our karate school>>

I think it sounds like a wonderful concept, but in reality, it would drive
my little pea sized brain nuts. At home, we always have people coming and
going, joining in or not, whatever and it doesn't make one whit of
difference to me. And I think if I was doing this class just for fun or
even just for altruistic reasons and if we learned something, great, it
wouldn't bother me at all. But the deal is, if I want to spend my time with
kids rolling around on the floor, "I" could do that at home.

But I'm doing this for very selfish reasons, not just to hang out with
folks. I'm trying to grow me some sparring partners and I freely admit that
I am saying "I want this, this and this to happen" and that I am controlling
the situation to some extent. I need them to get to a certain level so I
(she said selfishly) can play and not just be fixing foot positions, etc..
I started the class because I couldn't find a school in the area that was
very "old school" karate and I wanted one.


[email protected]

> I'm trying to grow me some sparring partners and ...

<G> It has taken awhile for my son's instructor to grow some sparring
partners. He loves it now that some of the bigger kids and adults are
getting to be a real challenge.
I concede that you won't find a physically challenging sparring partner
in a six year old beginner. ( unless you consider laughing your ass off
to be a workout!)

As the mom of a nine year old who believes himself to be equal to any
person or task, I have a problem with age limits ( just ask him how he
feels about not being old enough to vote!) As the teacher in your own
school I expect you'll do what ever you want. I still think it's great
your teaching even if I wish I could change your mind about those floor
rollers! ( after all you'll still need sparring partners in ten or
twelve years! ) (Too long?)
Deb L who believes no one rolls forever.