The O'Donnells

>i agre nanci, but what do you do when your kids wants a schedual. that is
>my biggest prob. the kid loves scheduals and i abhore them!


I must agree. I too have a dd that indicates she desires a schedule
(although when I come close she bulks at them) and I abhore schedules and
being tied down to time allotments. Now, understand that I have not read
the rest of this thread yet (I'm a little behind on email right now) but
how can one unschool with a schedule anyway? Do you say OK, time for math
or science and then let them pursue their own specific subject? Leaves me
a little confused based on what little I know of unschooling.

In His Service,


Andi Kaufman

laraine wrote:
>I must agree. I too have a dd that indicates she desires a schedule
>(although when I come close she bulks at them) and I abhore schedules and
>being tied down to time allotments. Now, understand that I have not read
>the rest of this thread yet (I'm a little behind on email right now) but
>how can one unschool with a schedule anyway? Do you say OK, time for math
>or science and then let them pursue their own specific subject? Leaves me
>a little confused based on what little I know of unschooling.

somethings are schedualed in our lives whether or not we homeschool. Isaac
has asked for tennis lesson, you have to schedual those. Shabbat is friday
nite so we arent gonna celebrate it when he feels like it but when it is :)
I think those are normal scheduals .

what is annoying to me is that he asks for a schedual and then gets pissed
when i make one. So I have now taken to making a calandar that says what my
plans are and what his have been adn then he can add anything he wants and
do it himself.

Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
mom to Isaac

Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!