Sharon writes:

<< As and Amtrak locomotive engineer he'll keep on keep on. >>

This sounds like a great job! Where does he travel to? I love riding trains
and wish they hadn't stopped the Desert Wind and that one what went to
Seattle. What's his schedule like?


Sharon Rudd

Hi Valerie

Thought the post was about sneezes...but that is Ah

Schedule is the pits. It changes constantly. He goes
to work at 3pm or 2am or 6am or whenever is gone for
24 hours (at least) or a week, but usually about 3
days(and nights). Off time is 24 consecutive hours
supposedly once per week. If the 24 hours starts at
noon it is over at noon the next day, so that there is
not a complete daylight off day. At the moment (for
last month) his schedule allows 2 complete daylight
daysand one night in between every other week.

Met another RR wife who suggested a support group. I
told her that would be fun, except we could never
schedule any meetings. DH and I have been married 9
years and I still haven't adapted.......

He runs trains in the SE from Jacksonville, FL. Today
he is in Pensacola, FL. He left day before yesterday,
dunno when he'll be back, exactly.

His back was broken 4 years ago when the locomotive he
was running became airborne when it hit a truck that
was stuck on the track in Savannah, GA. He did have
about a year off then, when he was unable to work (or
anything else). Then he had 6 months off two years
ago for the cancer surgery and the recuperation from

He is saddened that he is not able to do more in a
patriotic sense.

He does like running large noisy machines so it is a
good job for him....I wouldn't like it....I don't like
large noisy machines. And I wouldn't enjoy being
unavialable to the children that I feel need me. Still
trains do have a romantic aura and the coaches aren't
in close proximity to the engines...

Sorry the answer to your question is so long, but
actually, the schedule question is dificult (in more
ways than one) and the reference to "Great job" is a
from point of view.....depends on what you compare it


--- gulfy@... wrote:
> This sounds like a great job! Where does he travel
> to? I love riding trains
> and wish they hadn't stopped the Desert Wind and
> that one what went to
> Seattle. What's his schedule like?
> Valerie

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