
I had spoken with Helen and out of respect for her and all she is going
through with her father I have sat here biting my lip and not taking apart a
certain party because of lies, blantant, pure, unadultered LIES and

But maybe I shouldn't have been silent because then the LIES become truth or
at least repeated as though they are the truth "people coming from other
lists to help stir up trouble."

The fact is, as was made clear in prior posts but was obviously ignored as
it didn't fit the agenda of some folks, Bridget and I have argued
extensively on that other list. The difference is that on that "other list"
people do NOT play tag team nor do they wait for the next opportunity to
disect something said by the party they are bent out of shape at.

I, the big mean evil person who has the audacity to question the resident
hero, did not invite Bridget to join the list. In fact, I wouldn't invite
anyone from that list to join this list, never have, never will. That other
list is inclusive, not exclusive.

And, just a thought, to repeat as fact unfounded gossip is not the "way to
create community."

Lynda, who will now go back to lurking
> Message: 13
> Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 22:42:13 -0500
> From: "LisaBugg" <LisaBugg@...>
> Subject: Re: PAM!!!...
> Would you all do me, the managing editor of this site and list, a favor?
> (read, the person who does the grunt work) Could you please stop talking
> about individuals? Please? There's simply no reason to take every post
> personally, to assume everyone means to attack in every post, or to
> *how* someone writes.
> The way to create community is by writing what is meaninful and useful to
> you. It's about sharing what works, what isn't and having discussions on
> how things can be better. But, in order for this to be the kind of place
> where unschooling is the topic, we have to stop making targets out of
> individuals.
> So, please, this last week has been hard enough, without people coming
> other lists to help stir up trouble, or for people who have a bone to pick
> with any one other person to spend time antgonizing the whole list.
> and BTW, the list owner has had some family medical emergencies and I
> a dh on stand-by with his Reserve unit.
> Tiredly yours,
> Lisa
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 14
> Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 00:33:43 EDT
> From: brendaclaspell@...
> Subject: Superiority vs. Taking the High Road
> This is sort of off topic, not that that's new or anything :-), but with
> the talk of snobbery and doing things the 'right way', I wonder.
> I don't anyone on here discussing the pure unschooling as any sort of Ms.
> Superiority. In my short time here, I've sort of got the idea of what
> unschooling is. And I really don't think it's a free for all. By that I
> it's not that parents get to do it however they see fit outside of the
> curriculum confines. I think unschooling by definition means not to school
> child. Not even a little. It does sound extreme, but that's what it means
> me. And throwing any enforced 'format' into the mix changes it.
> I love this concept, and believe in it completely. But I find it a
> challenging road, mainly I think due to my own upbringing and current
> environment. For someone to keep telling me when I veer off course, is
> wonderful for me. I don't find it condascending, I find it eye opening.
> I get those cues, be it internal or external, I always have a choice.
> Sometimes that choice is, well that sounds all wonderful and everything,
> may be fine for so-and-so, but not for us. And sometimes that choice is,
> that would be much better than what we're doing now. In my personal
> experience, the former is usually a reluctance to change or give up
> that would allow a change.
> There is a quote which I framed and put up in my living room, which I
> detest....
> "The downside to enlightenment no one ever mentions is that once you
> understand how the Universe operates, you can't play dumb." Sarah Ban
> Breathnach
> This is not a specific reply to anyone, just a general thread I was
> Brenda
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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