Bridget E Coffman

> Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 15:41:49 EDT
> From: SandraDodd@...
> Subject: Re: Digest Number 1474

> I didn't say your thoughts weren't welcome here. I asked what you
> hoping to gain being here. That's not the same thing. And I didn't
> get an answer, but it doesn't really matter.

Oh, then I guess the archives added this to message #25013:
And if the information here is diluted or polluted by non-unschooling
in sufficient measure, then people will still not see unschooling.

I have answered the question of why I am here repeatedly.

> Can we talk about unschooling now instead of the list itself please?
> Sandra

I'd love to, unfortunately every comment I make is warped and turned
around by you or one or two others to say what you think I mean instead
of what it actually says.


~~~~~~~~~~~~ F u cn rd ths u cnt spl wrth a dm! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If electricity comes from electrons . . .
. . . does that mean that morality comes from morons?

Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

Somehow, we seem to stay in our impasse. You claim I'm not listening to the
others or to you, and I believe you distort most of what I say. Hey, we just
don't get along. So, Sandra, let's agree not to respond to each other's
posts from now on.

I'm reminded of an interchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill:
Lady Astor said: Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea, to
which Churchill replied, My good lady, if you were my wife, I'd drink it.


Ned Vare

In a message dated 8/5/02 9:09:37 PM, nedvare@... writes:

<< You claim I'm not listening to the
others or to you, and I believe you distort most of what I say. Hey, we just
don't get along. So, Sandra, let's agree not to respond to each other's
posts from now on. >>

I was neither the first nor only to suggest you seemed not to be reading what
others write.

Being on a large discussion list shouldn't need to involve "getting along,"
only making points which one can defend, and sharing personal experience.

I've defended my points and shared my personal experiences. I don't see that
an artificial limitation on how I should continue to do that would be
beneficial to new homeschoolers who come here.

I'll try to ignore your posts if that will make you feel better, though. I'm
not willing to compromise my beliefs for another person's comfort and so I
can't make promises that might cause me to do that.


Kelli Traaseth

I am glad that both of you (Ned and Sandra) are on this list. I have found you both very helpful! Keep up the good work!
Kelli T, mom of 3, newbie/lurker/what-have-you
Luz Shosie and Ned Vare <nedvare@...> wrote: Somehow, we seem to stay in our impasse. You claim I'm not listening to the
others or to you, and I believe you distort most of what I say. Hey, we just
don't get along. So, Sandra, let's agree not to respond to each other's
posts from now on.

I'm reminded of an interchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill:
Lady Astor said: Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea, to
which Churchill replied, My good lady, if you were my wife, I'd drink it.


Ned Vare

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And Big Bird refused to be photographed with Barney...

But then Ned doesn't like Sesame Street. ;)


Kelli Traaseth wrote:
> I am glad that both of you (Ned and Sandra) are on this list. I have found you both very helpful! Keep up the good work!
> Kelli T, mom of 3, newbie/lurker/what-have-you
> Luz Shosie and Ned Vare <nedvare@...> wrote: Somehow, we seem to stay in our impasse. You claim I'm not listening to the
> others or to you, and I believe you distort most of what I say. Hey, we just
> don't get along. So, Sandra, let's agree not to respond to each other's
> posts from now on.
> I'm reminded of an interchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill:
> Lady Astor said: Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea, to
> which Churchill replied, My good lady, if you were my wife, I'd drink it.
> Cheers,
> Ned Vare
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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