It has always amazed me that when I say something to the effect the the Bible
is just a book IMHO, there are plenty of Christians to jump on me for my
belief system. Yet it's ok that they actually have that belief system and
nobody is saying "I can't believe you actually read that Bible book and
believe in it"... Yet if someone were to question my belief in Astrologer
(not that anyone has done that on this list) then it's an ok to do that. I
find this all quite amusing..

I welcome the opportunity to debate my belief systems yet some people who
believe the Bible is the only true word of God think it's blasphemy to
question this book. Surely God wants us to question everything otherwise why
did he/she bother to give us brains?

I'm getting a bit fed up with people quoting the bible like that's suppose to
make some difference in what they end up saying. That only works if you
believe in that system of worship (which by the way is another enormously
rigid entity like the educational system and the goverment).

How would you all feel if I kept on talking about where Pluto was this week,
what aspects it's going to be making to Mars. Which house is having the
toughest time in New York? What about Saturn and the Karma we are creating
not living a harmonious life with the Universe?

Not really annoyed just some thoughts that were running through my head. I
got away from the educational establishment so that I can question other
beliefs and thoughts not to be told that I was evil. Evil for having my own
belief systems? Good ridance to those people who believe that. It would
appear their narrow minds are not readiy for unschooling.

Dawn Falbe
Personal Development Coach
Relocational Astrologer
(520) 579-2646
The Path of Least Resistance is Inside of You
Enlightening women on how to live their Soul Purpose

"The people who get on in this world
are people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and,
if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw

"The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school."-George
Bernard Shaw

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 9/14/2001 10:19:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
NumoAstro@... writes:

> How would you all feel if I kept on talking about where Pluto was this week,
> what aspects it's going to be making to Mars. Which house is having the
> toughest time in New York? What about Saturn and the Karma we are creating
> not living a harmonious life with the Universe?

I, for one, would love it!!! :)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In a message dated 9/14/01 8:19:41 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
NumoAstro@... writes:

> I'm getting a bit fed up with people quoting the bible like that's suppose
> to
> make some difference in what they end up saying. That only works if you

I quoted the Bible fairly extensively last week to back up the suggestion
that people should be kind to their children.

Did it "work"?

I "believe in that system of worship" (as a system of worship; it exists, and
it produces worshipfulness), but I am not a currently-on-the-rolls or
practicing Christian.

<<It has always amazed me that when I say something to the effect the the
is just a book IMHO, there are plenty of Christians to jump on me for my
belief system.  >>

But you do know that there are people who revere the book itself, and so it
seemed too rough to dis it totally. There are lots of Christians who are
unschoolers, and I'd hate for this to become an anti-Christian unschooling
list. It's not as productive as giving Christian unschoolers the benefit of
the exchange here.

I, too, think LivingLighthouse's condemnation of the list as evil was going a
bit far, and calling for all Christians to bail out was extreme, but I doubt
they all will IF they're made to feel still welcome.

There are Christians who wish other Christians wouldn't worship the Bible.
There is no one single facet to Christianity.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I was listening to Swami Beyondananda the other day. Someone asked what sign
he was. He said he had had his sign legally changed...

Went on to say his Venus was in bluejeans, his Mercury was in the shop, and
Pluto had pooped in his third house.

If that's offensive to anyone's belief system, they should enLighten up.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Carrie Troy

"It has always amazed me that when I say something to the effect the the
is just a book IMHO, there are plenty of Christians to jump on me for my
belief system"

maybe you should have said that it's just a book TO YOU. to so many
people, it's NOT 'just a book' and your attitude is extremely
disrespectful, just as it would be disrespectful for someone to belittle
your religion or what have you.
I am absolutely in shock at how in one day of being on this list I've
seen nothing but attacks on people and bickering back and forth.

"Good ridance to those people who believe that. It would
appear their narrow minds are not readiy for unschooling."

If this is what unschooling is to you and everyone else on this list,
damned right I'm not ready for it. Holy cow! I cannot believe how
childish and horrible you all seem to each other!

Is this how it is all the time or am I just showing up on the wrong day?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> I quoted the Bible fairly extensively last week to back up the
> that people should be kind to their children.> Did it "work"? Sandra

I work on being kind to my children on a daily basis. I started to
delete a lot of e-mails when I see a lot of bible stuff quoted
because for me it's not helpful. I was brought up Church of England,
baptized and know quite a bit about the Church. I think it's because
I want to hear what "you" are thinking not what you are able to quote
from a book. Anyone can memorize a book, whatever that book
contains, and then write it. Thats was PS teaches us to do.


--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., SandraDodd@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 9/14/01 8:19:41 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> NumoAstro@a... writes:
> > I'm getting a bit fed up with people quoting the bible like
that's suppose
> > to
> > make some difference in what they end up saying. That only
works if you
> >
> I quoted the Bible fairly extensively last week to back up the
> that people should be kind to their children.

> I "believe in that system of worship" (as a system of worship; it
exists, and
> it produces worshipfulness), but I am not a currently-on-the-rolls
> practicing Christian.
> <<It has always amazed me that when I say something to the effect
the the
> Bible
> is just a book IMHO, there are plenty of Christians to jump on me
for my
> belief system.  >>
> But you do know that there are people who revere the book itself,
and so it
> seemed too rough to dis it totally. There are lots of Christians
who are
> unschoolers, and I'd hate for this to become an anti-Christian
> list. It's not as productive as giving Christian unschoolers the
benefit of
> the exchange here.
> I, too, think LivingLighthouse's condemnation of the list as evil
was going a
> bit far, and calling for all Christians to bail out was extreme,
but I doubt
> they all will IF they're made to feel still welcome.
> There are Christians who wish other Christians wouldn't worship the
> There is no one single facet to Christianity.
> Sandra
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Very funny Sandra (LOL) Now that's the spirit.

--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., SandraDodd@a... wrote:
> I was listening to Swami Beyondananda the other day. Someone asked
what sign
> he was. He said he had had his sign legally changed...
> Went on to say his Venus was in bluejeans, his Mercury was in the
shop, and
> Pluto had pooped in his third house.
> If that's offensive to anyone's belief system, they should
enLighten up.
> Sandra
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sharon Rudd

> I work on being kind to my children on a daily
> basis.
> Dawn

How do you focus Kindess in a particular direction?
Grandfather Sun shines on everyone.


Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information

Sharon Rudd

Last Tuesday DS2 pointed out to me the date. 911.

What was the horoscope for that day in general? In a
Feng Shui point of view where the building sitting on
the dragon's head?

Tower of Babel? Money changers? If a nail sticks up,
knock it down.
The tallest tree is the one to be struck by


But Jeez... Afghanistan? Not even Alexander the


Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information

Tia Leschke

><<It has always amazed me that when I say something to the effect the the
>is just a book IMHO, there are plenty of Christians to jump on me for my
>belief system. >>
>But you do know that there are people who revere the book itself, and so it
>seemed too rough to dis it totally. There are lots of Christians who are
>unschoolers, and I'd hate for this to become an anti-Christian unschooling
>list. It's not as productive as giving Christian unschoolers the benefit of
>the exchange here.

If people want to revere a book, no problem for me. If they use that book
to prove some point or other, they're going to lose me. There's plenty in
the Bible to appreciate and learn from, but when it's used to prove a
point, the "provee" would have to believe that it's actually the word of
God, which I don't.

I have no desire to criticize people of any faith or try to talk them out
of it. I also expect that they won't criticize mine, or try to make me
believe theirs. Unfortunately, there are *some* Christians (and people of
other faiths) who would try to do just that. *That* kind of Christian, I'm
happy to stay away from. The rest add a valuable point of view.

Tia Leschke leschke@...
On Vancouver Island
It is the answers which separate us, the questions which unite us. - Janice

In a message dated 9/14/01 9:19:41 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
NumoAstro@... writes:

> How would you all feel if I kept on talking about where Pluto was this week,
> what aspects it's going to be making to Mars. Which house is having the
> toughest time in New York? What about Saturn and the Karma we are creating
> not living a harmonious life with the Universe?

Dawn, I would absolutely love it!!! I've looked into astrology, but never
dealt with a pro!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Thank you Brenda.


--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., brendaclaspell@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 9/14/01 9:19:41 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> NumoAstro@a... writes:
> > How would you all feel if I kept on talking about where Pluto was
this week,
> > what aspects it's going to be making to Mars. Which house is
having the
> > toughest time in New York? What about Saturn and the Karma we
are creating
> > not living a harmonious life with the Universe?
> >
> Dawn, I would absolutely love it!!! I've looked into astrology, but
> dealt with a pro!
> :-)
> Brenda
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]