[email protected]

In a message dated 9/13/01 3:29:37 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< To make it even harder for me, Aaron's daughter is the same age as
>mine. So now when I see pictures of the towers I see a little girl
>the same age as mine who has lost her daddy.
>So I will probably be silent and I may go to no-mail if I can't
>handle it but I really like this list so to quote Arnold 'I"ll be
>back!' >>

So so sorry Cindy.((((((((((()))))))))))


Julie Stauffer

<<unschooling communist>>

Think about your own family. Do the members pitch in to do what needs to be
done? Or do they tell you "no" because some jobs are too menial for them?
Do the members get food, clothing, shelter, even art supplies based on need?
Or do you tie all of that to what you are willing to pay for certain

Socialism is about the government controlling everything and making it
"fair". True communism is about the government stepping out of it. It is
like people who believe children will not make good, caring, even altruistic
decisions unless forced to (socialism) vs. people believing kids want to
contribute, care about the greater good and are basically fair and caring
human beings (communism).


Julie Stauffer

<<what one book would you recommend>>

The book that I have read that I think shows pure communism in action is
"Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life". The man was never a member of a
communist party but definitely lived the life. I wanted to name my youngest
son after him. Yuppie capitalist dh pointed out that naming a kid Che was
the best way to ensure he would work on Wall Street out of pure spite. So
we ended up with just Daniel followed by the initial C.

Please send me info on the group in New Braunsfels. They are only about 20
minutes from us. My email address is jnjstau@...
