Julie Stauffer

<<How is unschooling working out for a communist in Texas?>>

I have to say that things are going great. We are doing much better than
when the kids were in school. We lived in a very economically segregated
area of Houston and the kids had a hard time understanding the "haves and
have nots" of the world. It was just foreign because all their friends were
just like them.

Now our friends come from all walks of life and economic levels. The kids
are even starting to verbalize how unfair it is that one family (a wonderful
loving giving family)whose father is garbage man (very necessary job) has 10
people living in a trailer house and another family (also nice) whose father
is a scout for a professional baseball team (not to necessary for society at
large) has a huge house and pool for 3 people.

Its not the kind of stuff people talk about at the local ps LOL.


Julie Stauffer

<<a purer more accurate form of communism>>

exactly. Much more into Marx than Stalin....except during PMS.


Bridget E Coffman

I have those leaning myself most days. Unfortunately they are punctuated
by days when my faith in mankind isn't strong enough to believe it could


On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:50:27 -0500 "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@...>
> <<a purer more accurate form of communism>>
> exactly. Much more into Marx than Stalin....except during PMS.
> Julie

~~~~~~~~~~~~ F u cn rd ths u cnt spl wrth a dm! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If electricity comes from electrons . . .
. . . does that mean that morality comes from morons?