R Meyers
So Julie, why live in the US if you are a communist? Do you actively promote communism in your community?
----- Original Message -----
From: Julie Stauffer
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1456
<<alternative lifestyles>>
I am heterosexual and believe in a closed marriage, but I'm a
communist...... and living in Texas that is pretty alternative.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> So Julie, why live in the US if you are a communist?She is free to do so.
> Rachel
Deb L
on 9/12/01 2:05 AM, "R Meyers" <livinglighthouse@...> wrote:
send your kids to school? Why live in the US if your Amish?
I'd be flabbergasted if the US turned communist, but some of the greatest
ideas come from the fringes. The hippies freed me from white gloves,
girdles, make up and bras :-)
I suspect eventually the unschoolers will free a lot of kids from the
concept of one size fits all education.
Perhaps the communists will help us get a little more balance between the
haves and have nots.
> So Julie, why live in the US if you are a communist? Do you actively promoteWhy live in the US if you aren't Christian? Why live in the US if you don't
> communism in your community?
send your kids to school? Why live in the US if your Amish?
I'd be flabbergasted if the US turned communist, but some of the greatest
ideas come from the fringes. The hippies freed me from white gloves,
girdles, make up and bras :-)
I suspect eventually the unschoolers will free a lot of kids from the
concept of one size fits all education.
Perhaps the communists will help us get a little more balance between the
haves and have nots.
Bridget E Coffman
First, you have as much right to live here as those who espouse a
church-state do. That's the beauty of our country, we are all allowed to
be what we want. Too bad so many others don't understand the plurality
of it.
Anyway, I was wondering what you mean by communism. The word has several
different connotations. I assume you do not mean the system in place in
the former USSR but rather a purer more accurate form of communism?
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:03:55 -0700 "R Meyers"
<livinglighthouse@...> writes:
comes from morons?~~~~
I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell;
And by and by my Soul returned to me,
And answered, "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." -- The Rubaiyat
First, you have as much right to live here as those who espouse a
church-state do. That's the beauty of our country, we are all allowed to
be what we want. Too bad so many others don't understand the plurality
of it.
Anyway, I was wondering what you mean by communism. The word has several
different connotations. I assume you do not mean the system in place in
the former USSR but rather a purer more accurate form of communism?
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:03:55 -0700 "R Meyers"
<livinglighthouse@...> writes:
> So Julie, why live in the US if you are a communist? Do you actively~~~~If electricity comes from electrons...does that mean that morality
> promote communism in your community?
> Rachel
comes from morons?~~~~
I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell;
And by and by my Soul returned to me,
And answered, "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." -- The Rubaiyat
Johanna SanInocencio
I think our country has spent the last fifty years telling Christians they
can have no imput in political decisions because of their faith and that is
wrong. I do not want to tell you not to worship, or even how to worship.
Separation of Church and State was intended to prevent an individual church
from dictating the government, not individuals from expressing their
convictions in politics or government. Many of our leaders were led by their
faith in God in the decisions they made as leaders of our country.
Amendment 1
congress shall make no law respecting the setablishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press:or the right of the people peacable to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of greviance.
Key words: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the
freedom of speech.
I am just as much an American as someone who chooses to be communist or
anything else and I have the right to take my convicitons and beliefs into
all areas of my life, including the political arena.
Life is the ultimate learning experience!
can have no imput in political decisions because of their faith and that is
wrong. I do not want to tell you not to worship, or even how to worship.
Separation of Church and State was intended to prevent an individual church
from dictating the government, not individuals from expressing their
convictions in politics or government. Many of our leaders were led by their
faith in God in the decisions they made as leaders of our country.
Amendment 1
congress shall make no law respecting the setablishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press:or the right of the people peacable to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of greviance.
Key words: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the
freedom of speech.
I am just as much an American as someone who chooses to be communist or
anything else and I have the right to take my convicitons and beliefs into
all areas of my life, including the political arena.
Life is the ultimate learning experience!
----- Original Message -----
From: <LASaliger@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] communism
> In a message dated 9/12/01 5:31:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> rumpleteasermom@... writes:
> << you have as much right to live here as those who espouse a
> church-state do. >>
> Excellent point. Those who founded the country were quite obviously
> opposed to a church-state but for some reason, those who would want one
> sometimes see themselves as more truly AMERICAN than people whose beliefs
> differ from the founders in other ways.
> Lucy
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It would seem that communism would preferable to how this country was
actually founded: "In 1623 the British indulged in the first use of
chemical warfare in the colonies when negotiating a treaty with
tribes near the Potomac River, headed by Chiskiack. The British
offered a toast "symbolizing eternal friendship," whereupon the
chief, his family, advisors, and two hundred followers dropped dead
of poison. Besides, the early Virginians engaged in bickering, sloth,
even cannibalism. They spent their early days digging random holes in
the ground, haplessly looking for gold instead of planting crops.
Soon they were starving and digging up putrid Indian corpses to eat
or renting themselves out to Indian families as servants - hardly the
heroic founders that a great nation requires."
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "R Meyers" <livinglighthouse@y...>
because I'm a Christian or anything else. I do see communism as
something that is completely against the founding ideas of this
country so I would consider them less American if you are talking
about American as believing in the principles that this country was
founded on.
actually founded: "In 1623 the British indulged in the first use of
chemical warfare in the colonies when negotiating a treaty with
tribes near the Potomac River, headed by Chiskiack. The British
offered a toast "symbolizing eternal friendship," whereupon the
chief, his family, advisors, and two hundred followers dropped dead
of poison. Besides, the early Virginians engaged in bickering, sloth,
even cannibalism. They spent their early days digging random holes in
the ground, haplessly looking for gold instead of planting crops.
Soon they were starving and digging up putrid Indian corpses to eat
or renting themselves out to Indian families as servants - hardly the
heroic founders that a great nation requires."
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., "R Meyers" <livinglighthouse@y...>
> I see communism in direct opposition to what the founding fatherswanted for this country. I don't see myself as more AMERICAN just
because I'm a Christian or anything else. I do see communism as
something that is completely against the founding ideas of this
country so I would consider them less American if you are talking
about American as believing in the principles that this country was
founded on.
> Rachel
Tia Leschke
At 11:58 PM 9/15/01 +0000, you wrote:
Tia Leschke leschke@...
On Vancouver Island
It is the answers which separate us, the questions which unite us. - Janice
>It would seem that communism would preferable to how this country wasWho said this Tery?
>actually founded: "In 1623 the British indulged in the first use of
>chemical warfare in the colonies when negotiating a treaty with
>tribes near the Potomac River, headed by Chiskiack. The British
>offered a toast "symbolizing eternal friendship," whereupon the
>chief, his family, advisors, and two hundred followers dropped dead
>of poison. Besides, the early Virginians engaged in bickering, sloth,
>even cannibalism. They spent their early days digging random holes in
>the ground, haplessly looking for gold instead of planting crops.
>Soon they were starving and digging up putrid Indian corpses to eat
>or renting themselves out to Indian families as servants - hardly the
>heroic founders that a great nation requires."
Tia Leschke leschke@...
On Vancouver Island
It is the answers which separate us, the questions which unite us. - Janice
It is from "Lies My Teacher Told Me." It is well documented in
historical documents but this is the easiest reference to use. The
diaries of several British officers before the Revolutionary War talk
about germ warfare and there are documented accounts after the
establishment of the U.S. of high ranking officials ordering the
spread of small pox via contaminated blankets.
historical documents but this is the easiest reference to use. The
diaries of several British officers before the Revolutionary War talk
about germ warfare and there are documented accounts after the
establishment of the U.S. of high ranking officials ordering the
spread of small pox via contaminated blankets.
--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., Tia Leschke <leschke@i...> wrote:
> Who said this Tery?
> Tia
> Tia Leschke leschke@i...
> On Vancouver Island