In a message dated 9/9/01 2:37:16 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> I think you handle it like you would if dh needed to do something in which
> he needed you to come along. He would probably ask something like "Hey
> Dawn, I need to go to Target today and I need you to come along because of
> such and such. What is your plan today?"
> So with Zac, how about "Hey Zach later today I need to drop this stuff off
> at Target and since Mom is working, I need you to come with me. Do you
> think morning or afternoon would be better?"
> Let's say Zac really isn't too interested in Target, dh might respond with
> "Well, there is a park around the corner from the store. How about we pack
> a lunch and have a picnic on the way back?"

What a great idea.... Thanks

Dawn Falbe
Personal Development Coach
Relocational Astrologer
(520) 579-2646
The Path of Least Resistance is Inside of You
Enlightening women on how to live their Soul Purpose

"The people who get on in this world
are people who get up and look for the
circumstances they want, and,
if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw

"The only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school."-George
Bernard Shaw

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