Re: Opinions and PC
In a message dated 09/08/2001 2:31:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
public? If it's mutual, while it's not necessarily the model I would choose
for a relationship, I certainly understand. If not--why not?
Kathryn, who wonders why she feels compelled to speak here
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] writes:
> But not all christian women who obey their husbands are abused. I have knownOkay...but in the same light...does he obey you? Does he disagree with you in
> people like you have spoken of and it breaks my heart. That is not Godliness
> it is opression. My marriage is nothing like that. My husband and I are
> partners. We work out our differences. Sometimes I change my mind. Sometimes
> he changes his. I don't disagree with him publicly, but will discuss issues
> with him in private. Often he will understand and change his mind. He has a
> certain wisdom on some things I do not. I rely and trust in him. He has
> never laid a violent hand upon me. My "obedience" comes out of love and
> respect for my husband, not fear and intimidation. I believe that is more
> like the model God had in mind, not a cowering woman vibrating in fear,but
> a confident woman who is strengthened and empowered by the relationship she
> has with her husband.
public? If it's mutual, while it's not necessarily the model I would choose
for a relationship, I certainly understand. If not--why not?
Kathryn, who wonders why she feels compelled to speak here
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]