Re: Shout it to the world!
Tanya in WA
Hi again,
I would have to agree with you. My mother is having a fit about me hsing my
5 year old daughter. I don't see how she can do that, when she homeschooled
my little sister who just graduated at the WHO ceremony on May 23rd. She keeps
asking how Tara (5 yo) is going to get social interaction and saying that she
needs to be in public school. I hope you all don't mind, I forwarded some of
your horrifying stories about ps to her in hopes that she would get the hint
(still no responce from her though). Does anybody have any suggestions to get
her off my back?
I would have to agree with you. My mother is having a fit about me hsing my
5 year old daughter. I don't see how she can do that, when she homeschooled
my little sister who just graduated at the WHO ceremony on May 23rd. She keeps
asking how Tara (5 yo) is going to get social interaction and saying that she
needs to be in public school. I hope you all don't mind, I forwarded some of
your horrifying stories about ps to her in hopes that she would get the hint
(still no responce from her though). Does anybody have any suggestions to get
her off my back?
>I sure do wish I could shout it to the world - "Everybody! Unschool
>your kids!!!" But I guess like politics, homeschooling is kind of like
>a religion of its own. There are those who agree, and those who don't,
>and no one likes people pushing religion (whether spiritual in nature or
>not). There's an American lady nearby, and she hates being a mother.
>She can hardly wait for her son to be in school, and thinks that the
>long school hours plus cram school plus endless hours of homework per
>night is wonderful to keep her son occupied. I wish I could tell her
>about unschooling in a way that wouldn't be offensive to her. I kind of
>mentioned it once, but she got so defensive (even though all I said was
>that I plan to homeschool my son, and what does she plan to do about her
>son's education) that I just dropped it. And converting my mother and
>mother-in-law (MIL) seems impossible. I hinted to my sister that my mom
>was thinking about possibly homeschooling her maybe, and my mom got so
>offended - now I'm afraid to open her e-mails 'cuz most likely she'll
>flame me. Maybe I'm just the offensive type. Does anyone else feel
>this way? How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
>you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
>beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
>Love, Melanie in Japan
>With more than 18 million e-mails exchanged daily...
>....ONElist is THE place where the world talks!
>Check it out!
下川 誉志彦
I sure do wish I could shout it to the world - "Everybody! Unschool
your kids!!!" But I guess like politics, homeschooling is kind of like
a religion of its own. There are those who agree, and those who don't,
and no one likes people pushing religion (whether spiritual in nature or
not). There's an American lady nearby, and she hates being a mother.
She can hardly wait for her son to be in school, and thinks that the
long school hours plus cram school plus endless hours of homework per
night is wonderful to keep her son occupied. I wish I could tell her
about unschooling in a way that wouldn't be offensive to her. I kind of
mentioned it once, but she got so defensive (even though all I said was
that I plan to homeschool my son, and what does she plan to do about her
son's education) that I just dropped it. And converting my mother and
mother-in-law (MIL) seems impossible. I hinted to my sister that my mom
was thinking about possibly homeschooling her maybe, and my mom got so
offended - now I'm afraid to open her e-mails 'cuz most likely she'll
flame me. Maybe I'm just the offensive type. Does anyone else feel
this way? How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
Love, Melanie in Japan
your kids!!!" But I guess like politics, homeschooling is kind of like
a religion of its own. There are those who agree, and those who don't,
and no one likes people pushing religion (whether spiritual in nature or
not). There's an American lady nearby, and she hates being a mother.
She can hardly wait for her son to be in school, and thinks that the
long school hours plus cram school plus endless hours of homework per
night is wonderful to keep her son occupied. I wish I could tell her
about unschooling in a way that wouldn't be offensive to her. I kind of
mentioned it once, but she got so defensive (even though all I said was
that I plan to homeschool my son, and what does she plan to do about her
son's education) that I just dropped it. And converting my mother and
mother-in-law (MIL) seems impossible. I hinted to my sister that my mom
was thinking about possibly homeschooling her maybe, and my mom got so
offended - now I'm afraid to open her e-mails 'cuz most likely she'll
flame me. Maybe I'm just the offensive type. Does anyone else feel
this way? How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
Love, Melanie in Japan
B & T Simpson
> I would have to agree with you. My mother is having a fit about me hsing
>5 year old daughter. . She keepsshe
>asking how Tara (5 yo) is going to get social interaction and saying that
>needs to be in public school. >(Does anybody have any suggestions to getROLF !! You are funny! when you figure it out please let me know! I just
>her off my back?>>>>>
started in Feb, and my mother is worried abut all sorts of things of course
Socialization being number one, and "how will she know what a proper
sentance structure is? what about all the activeties at the highschool?,
what about collage? I'm just afraid, how do you know she is learning
enough?" I haven't told her that My middle two kids plan to stay home in the
fall as well (their choice!) and of course I will do this with the baby, I
AM DONE WITH PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!!!!!! today is the last day for
god luck, and let me know when you find the secret words!!!!
Tanya Ohio
>>From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCMjxAbiEhTUA7VkknGyhC?= <RXP10715@...>
>>I sure do wish I could shout it to the world - "Everybody! Unschool
>>your kids!!!" But I guess like politics, homeschooling is kind of like
>>a religion of its own. There are those who agree, and those who don't,
>>and no one likes people pushing religion (whether spiritual in nature or
>>not). There's an American lady nearby, and she hates being a mother.
>>She can hardly wait for her son to be in school, and thinks that the
>>long school hours plus cram school plus endless hours of homework per
>>night is wonderful to keep her son occupied. I wish I could tell her
>>about unschooling in a way that wouldn't be offensive to her. I kind of
>>mentioned it once, but she got so defensive (even though all I said was
>>that I plan to homeschool my son, and what does she plan to do about her
>>son's education) that I just dropped it. And converting my mother and
>>mother-in-law (MIL) seems impossible. I hinted to my sister that my mom
>>was thinking about possibly homeschooling her maybe, and my mom got so
>>offended - now I'm afraid to open her e-mails 'cuz most likely she'll
>>flame me. Maybe I'm just the offensive type. Does anyone else feel
>>this way? How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
>>you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
>>beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
>>Love, Melanie in Japan
>>With more than 18 million e-mails exchanged daily...
>>....ONElist is THE place where the world talks!
>>Check it out!
>How has ONElist changed your life?
>Share your story with us at
>Check it out!
Andi Kaufman
Melanie wrote:
How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
see a happy kid. SHe tries to do school stuff with him and he usually
rebels and says mom say i dont have to. she really does try real school
stuff. I tell her I dont make him do the stuff she would. she is concerned
about socialization cus he is caustious and shy. well tough! and about his
intellect. I have basically said to her that I know we wont agree but i am
the parent and I have to make the best decsion i can. and suprising ly that
worked. She is sometimes still a pain but not as bothersome.
My dad , who is living with us is supportive. he sees a wonderful happy
kid. he will do workbook stuff with isaac if he wants to and tell him
stories of what it was like when he was a boy. lots of interesting stuff.
as far as others who say how could you do that or i never could do that. I
dont listen to those people. I am not goiing to explain my reasoning to
everyone. Isaac or I either say we homeschool and drop it. or if people ask
questions we someimes answer if they are respectful. and most of the
poeople we know are respectful.
we only had one set of friends who were obnoxious and we are not friends
Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
mom to Isaac
Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!
How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
>you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference ofMy mom was a ps teacher and she is not for this hsing thing. But she does
>beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
see a happy kid. SHe tries to do school stuff with him and he usually
rebels and says mom say i dont have to. she really does try real school
stuff. I tell her I dont make him do the stuff she would. she is concerned
about socialization cus he is caustious and shy. well tough! and about his
intellect. I have basically said to her that I know we wont agree but i am
the parent and I have to make the best decsion i can. and suprising ly that
worked. She is sometimes still a pain but not as bothersome.
My dad , who is living with us is supportive. he sees a wonderful happy
kid. he will do workbook stuff with isaac if he wants to and tell him
stories of what it was like when he was a boy. lots of interesting stuff.
as far as others who say how could you do that or i never could do that. I
dont listen to those people. I am not goiing to explain my reasoning to
everyone. Isaac or I either say we homeschool and drop it. or if people ask
questions we someimes answer if they are respectful. and most of the
poeople we know are respectful.
we only had one set of friends who were obnoxious and we are not friends
Andi...domestic goddess and active volunteer
mom to Isaac
Never Underestimate the Power of This Woman!
In a message dated 6/2/99 10:53:32 PM PST, RXP10715@... writes:
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? >>
I'm fairly lucky. My family supports me. Most of my friends support me.
The ones WHO DO NOT, have so far kept it to themselves. My husbands family
kinda questions this decision to homeschool. But they live across the states
and we have limited contact with them so they arne't really an issue.
In the beginning I was so shy about admitting we homeschooled. Almost
finishing up our second year and I'm not so shy about it<g>
NOW, explaining unschooling? Thats a whole nother ballpark. My mom gets it
but everyone else looks at me like I'm an alien for not enforcing some sort
of structure on my kids. They look at my daughters accomplishments and say
"well she is use to school, she went for 5 years". They don't allow that she
would not be accomplishing these thigns if she was in school. GRRRRR.
The negative ones? I just ignore.
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? >>
I'm fairly lucky. My family supports me. Most of my friends support me.
The ones WHO DO NOT, have so far kept it to themselves. My husbands family
kinda questions this decision to homeschool. But they live across the states
and we have limited contact with them so they arne't really an issue.
In the beginning I was so shy about admitting we homeschooled. Almost
finishing up our second year and I'm not so shy about it<g>
NOW, explaining unschooling? Thats a whole nother ballpark. My mom gets it
but everyone else looks at me like I'm an alien for not enforcing some sort
of structure on my kids. They look at my daughters accomplishments and say
"well she is use to school, she went for 5 years". They don't allow that she
would not be accomplishing these thigns if she was in school. GRRRRR.
The negative ones? I just ignore.
In a message dated 6/2/99 11:02:14 PM PST, tbone2@... writes:
<< My mother is having a fit about me hsing my
5 year old daughter. I don't see how she can do that, when she homeschooled
my little sister who just graduated at the WHO ceremony on May 23rd. >>
If you dont mind me does she explain her reasoning that she
homeschooled your sister but you can't homeschool your daughter?
Christina , also in WA
<< My mother is having a fit about me hsing my
5 year old daughter. I don't see how she can do that, when she homeschooled
my little sister who just graduated at the WHO ceremony on May 23rd. >>
If you dont mind me does she explain her reasoning that she
homeschooled your sister but you can't homeschool your daughter?
Christina , also in WA
In a message dated 6/3/99 3:10:07 AM PST, michigan@... writes:
<< what about all the activeties at the highschool?, what about collage? >>
For these questions, you can tell her that many districts allow homeschoolers
to participate in highschool activities (sports, proms ect). OR you can
belong to a good homeschool group that does these. As far as college......I
have yet to hear of one who will not take homeschoolers!
<< what about all the activeties at the highschool?, what about collage? >>
For these questions, you can tell her that many districts allow homeschoolers
to participate in highschool activities (sports, proms ect). OR you can
belong to a good homeschool group that does these. As far as college......I
have yet to hear of one who will not take homeschoolers!
> AM DONE WITH PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!!!!!! today is the last day forYeah Tanya!!!!!!!!!!
> us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Melanie wrote:
<<How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept you for
who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of beliefs>>
I have lost family members for being out of the ordinary (not re:
homeschooling) and have come to the conclusion that I'm better off
without them. If a difference makes them not like me, they're really not
good for my life and my children. I have uncomplicated my life by not
having to deal with people who verbally condemn me. I have no problem
with those who disagree or question. Just don't condemn.
<<How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept you for
who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of beliefs>>
I have lost family members for being out of the ordinary (not re:
homeschooling) and have come to the conclusion that I'm better off
without them. If a difference makes them not like me, they're really not
good for my life and my children. I have uncomplicated my life by not
having to deal with people who verbally condemn me. I have no problem
with those who disagree or question. Just don't condemn.
In a message dated 6/2/99 11:53:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
RXP10715@... writes:
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
I gave up on being accepted by anybody a few years ago. I'm just
too weird.
My 14 yo daughter always tells me, "You're not like other mothers". It used
to hurt my feelings, but now I just say "Thanks, Angie". Seeing as how all
the "other mothers" she knows force their children to go to school, I now
take it as a compliment. And you're right, we unschoolers are right. Hehe.
Mary Ellen (you can't please everyone, so you might as well please
yourself...Isn't this a song?)
RXP10715@... writes:
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-))
I gave up on being accepted by anybody a few years ago. I'm just
too weird.
My 14 yo daughter always tells me, "You're not like other mothers". It used
to hurt my feelings, but now I just say "Thanks, Angie". Seeing as how all
the "other mothers" she knows force their children to go to school, I now
take it as a compliment. And you're right, we unschoolers are right. Hehe.
Mary Ellen (you can't please everyone, so you might as well please
yourself...Isn't this a song?)
In a message dated 6/3/99 1:53:33 AM Central Daylight Time,
RXP10715@... writes:
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-)) >>
I don't know, I am still working on this one! My parents think that I
am rebelling at 38 years old! They are comparing me to a stubborn,
rebellious, teenager just because my thought on education are different' LOL
I guess they will never let me grow up! If you find out the answer to your
question, please pass it my was because I am deperate!
Tami in IN
RXP10715@... writes:
<< How do you get your family or neighbors or whatever to accept
you for who you are, and not reject you because of a difference of
beliefs? (Even though we unschoolers are right... hehe :-)) >>
I don't know, I am still working on this one! My parents think that I
am rebelling at 38 years old! They are comparing me to a stubborn,
rebellious, teenager just because my thought on education are different' LOL
I guess they will never let me grow up! If you find out the answer to your
question, please pass it my was because I am deperate!
Tami in IN