Diana Asberry

Welcome Andi!

PS: don't apologize for your 2 cents! your opinion is valuable, too...

Diana A.
"the world is our classroom"
--apt.in Dover, NH; house in Indy
SAHM to C-C (6) and Libby (2)

"Cleaning your house while the kids are little is like shoveling the
sidewalk before it stops snowing."
---Phyllis Diller

----Original Message Follows----
From: tamokey <tamokey@...>
Hi all,
I am relatively new to the list and to homeschooling.� First things, first.�
I'm Andi in Georgia, SAHM to one 5 1/2 girl, married for 14 years.� I like
the term of unschooling because I believe a person can be taught without
being "in a school".� After all what is on the job training?

> �
Sorry, just my 2 cents!

Enough of my rambling and thoughts.� Have a great day and smile.