
For starters, as any real estate agent would tell you location feeds the
designation of "prime." The only thing that would bring down that
designation would be hazardous waste cleanup being needed. In this case,
the old advertising saying, "location, location, location" makes it "prime."

Two, no one except the woman and her children know how many dogs there are.
The papers have reported 27, then 15 and now they are saying they removed
FOUR dogs. Amazing how the number shrinks when they got what they wanted,
which was the woman out of her home!

The stereotyping going on with this thread is really something else. A
is informed that his mother has been snatched by the police. The cops come
and want to remove him and his siblings from their home. He runs back in
house and SUPPOSEDLY says something about guns. Not one gun has been seen,
no shots have been fired. His mother was worried about loosing her home,
which indeed happend but that makes her paranoid. Based on this slim
information people have LABELED then "not normal," "paranoid," and implied
they had survivalist mentality.

These people don't live the way I live or the way I would want to. They
don't live in an area I would want to live in. They have made choices I
wouldn't have made. However, I respect their RIGHT to make their own
personal choices and I'm not going to start throwing out paranoia (all the
implied survivalist boogy man stuff) and judgemental labels.

All this labeling and judging simply amazes me on an unschooling list! Of
all the people to be doing it, seems that those who are part of a group that
has been given the worst public image in the homeschooling community would
be a little more open to allowing others to make "different" choices and not
be so quick to rush to judgement with little or nothing in the line of facts
to base that judgement on!

And, yes I have been biten. No, I haven't been chased because I know better
than to run. As to dogs chasing folks on bicycles, well we know where
"those" kinds of dogs live and we've cured them with a little amonia and
water in a squirt bottle. It's never taken more than two "lessons." And if
we are bicycling in an area that we aren't familiar with, we take along our
squirt bottles. And, before the question is asked, yes, the kidlets are
very familiar with the concept and able to employee it even under duress.
No. 3 son used his quite successfully when he was under 3 yo.

----- Original Message -----
From: <RValvo7626@...>

> From what I read the person wasn't ON the "prime" property. This
> property would need a hell of alot of clean up to be "prime".
> We weren't talking pebbles we are talking dog bites here. I have been
> chased,bit at and hit by dogs while cycling. It is in no way OK w/ me. It
> a mazing to me that people do not take responsibility for their dogs.
> This is not "normal" to have 20 some dogs that run wild and hunt their
> food. let alone some one was injured by one of them or more (don't know
> many she encountered).
> I just think it is uncalled for to pick apart the word severe in this
> case.
> Have you ever been bit or even chased by a dog intent on harming you?

[email protected]

In a message dated 6/6/01 4:31:57 PM, lurine@... writes:

<< I'm not going to start throwing out paranoia (all the
implied survivalist boogy man stuff) and judgemental labels.

You did, you just threw it on readers of this list while sanctifying the
people of the story.
