Debra Bures

<< Do you have informaitonal links that you
could post or can you briefly tell us more. As I am
becoming more hermit-like myself I may not follow
through, but my child has interests that I've seen in
parades and such with 4H banners (he has a horse,
goat, rabbits, we have chickens, dogs, cats, etc.) and
at county fairs (haven't been myself in years, but
children have). Do you have to start your own
interest group or what>>
Sharon--I know that 4H does have websites--I don't have the link off-hand. They are part of your county extension service.There's projects for all kinds of things--animals, beginning laundry(yes, it's true), rocketry, geneology, cooking, creative writing and so on... My older dd is taking dog obedience for the 3rd year, and the younger one is taking Memories Partner--a project with her grandmother.
My older dd also has a horse, but won't be doing 4H with him. She's interested in non-violent animal training and is working with both the dogs and horse in this way.
We joined an already functioning group--there are 52 kids in the club, but you can start your own, too.
When we begin the art project, I'll post pictures--right now we're in the planning stages.
Time to go outside!!! It's not raining !!!!!!

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