

We're with you. We don't "do" Santa like other people "do" Santa. We
do play a Santa game, and set out cookies, but we make it known that it
is just a game. We talk about the idea of giving, unconditional love,
the spirit of the season, all the holidays celebrated during the season,
etc. We've made this decision based on a few factors. We don't want to
lie. We want to make it known that one can get what one wants in
reality. The capitalism factor.

And though we're not religious, I certainly don't want to hear, "You
told me there was a Santa, and there isn't. You told me there was an
Easter bunny, and there isn't. Now you're talking about an higher power
. . . " You get the idea.

Sarah Anderson-Thimmes

Johanna wrote:

> ok.
> I have been oft ridiculed because I don't let my children believe
> Santa Claus comes to peoples houses. He is a fun myth and my children
> know it.