
It seems everytime I turn around, my children are fighting!!! How does
everyone handle this? We are going through a period of deschooling from my
best attempts at recreating public school in our homeschool and now I don't
think they know what to do with themselves, so they fight. Ugh!! Please help!
Lori in TX

Joseph A. & Susan D. Fuerst

I think sibling fighting is a really difficult issue. I know most of the
'school moms' around here are eagerly anticipating the start of school so
they can separate the siblings!
My three do have their moments/days; but overall, they seem to do fine
with each other. I have wondered if schooling fosters sibling rivalry --
with the separation into age groups and the peer pressure to be 'cool'. I
wonder if the parent's frustration comes in part from the pressure about
beginning the school year and hoping your child will 'measure up' , make
friends, etc. And if the children fight more knowing their time will be so
scheduled, the homework battles will begin, etc.
I'm afraid I haven't come close to answering your questions.... :-(
Have you seen the books Siblings Without Rivalry and How to Talk So Your
Child Will Listen And Listen So Your Child Will Talk ?
It's a tough balance between letting them work it out on their own and
intervening to mediate.

>From: RRAINENJ@...
>It seems everytime I turn around, my children are fighting!!! How does
>everyone handle this? We are going through a period of deschooling from my
>best attempts at recreating public school in our homeschool and now I don't
>think they know what to do with themselves, so they fight. Ugh!! Please
>Lori in TX
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