Helen.... I have received my HEM today... :)
After.... going to the nearby pond to check on the (heee...heeee....)
Canadian Goose that was nesting there (we've been checking to see when
the eggs will hatch)...and finding NOTHING...the nest empty, and no
sightings of either male or female, and only finding an egg which we
don't think belongs to the goose, and then letting go the tadpoles
(almost to frog stage) and salamanders that we having been watching
develop, and then walking home with the new puppy in the dark and
realizing the fireflies were out (hooray!) and watching the bats swoop,
and then coming in for homemade yogurt pops while I read Pippi
Longstocking, and the tucking in all three little kiddies, I FINALLY
settled down to read my HEM.... Ahhhhh....
I love the rabid duck. Of course ever since you mentioned it here, I've
been waiting for it....
What a wonderful article, not only funny, but oh so true.... My
compliments to Melanie!
Now, I'm off to read Jeff's article...Of course I'm somewhat
disapointed...I was really thinking "bum" as in the european take on
this word....ah well....and old Mom can dream can't she?? LOL
Just thought I'd let you know I am sitting out on my back porch in the
wonderful NC evening thoroughly enjoying my HEM, I always wish it never
ended, and sort of hoard it by reading it slowly and deliberately.....
HA, ha....


--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., A <mumsienc@i...> wrote:
> I love the rabid duck. Of course ever since you mentioned it here,
> been waiting for it....
> What a wonderful article, not only funny, but oh so true.... My
> compliments to Melanie!
*This isn't me, in case you're wondering...

Melanie in Indiana