[email protected]

In a message dated 5/5/01 1:58:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, valfitz@...

<< My parents were Ward and June Cleaver.. perfect authoritarians.. I
was the most rebellious kid. >>

I think that is the healthiest response to an authoritarian upbringing.
Unfortunately, some people are deeply affected by that kind of an upbringing
for their whole lives...My husband's parents were the way you describe yours.
He also went to an authoritarian private school and then joined the military
at 18. He has had a very hard time questioning things. He remembers little
of his childhood. He has a hard time thinking of ANY dreams he has for his
life. I think he himself needs a few years or more of complete unschooling
to get over all of that and begin to know his own heart and interests. That
is one reason, among many, that I'm always trying to figure out ways to live
more simply so that we could make it with him working a very reduced
