Tanya in WA

we have a
>>great need in Kosovo.
>>REMEMBER WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS and this is not something you have to
>>Our Main Battalion in Kosovo has adopted one of the bombed out schools and

>>have found they can't do it by themselves. Captain Joe Tudela who is our main

>>contact, at the main camp, is working with the commander of the base and

>>Joe asked if we could help.
>>School is supposed to open on Sept 1. So this is an urgent need at this time.

>>What they are needing for the kids are school supplies. YOU WILL ALL BE GLAD

>>TO KNOW, I have got hold of another organization ( a Christan Organization

>>Group) that I have worked with since the first days of Operation M. A. L.

>> and they have agreed to help with the MAJOR items.
>>What I am looking for are the other things, like School bags, Crayons,
>>Rulers, Pencils, scissors, anything a children needs to take to school. Pony

>>tail holders for the girls, combs, anything you would buy new for a child

>>go to school. Even Story Books. The School is K-8
>>I know there are a lot of mixed emotions about if we should help or not,

>>because of Some people not believing in the conflict so I am leaving this

>>up to each and every individual to see if they want to. I know you all want

>>to support our troops with care packages For THEM, but we are helping our

>>troops, by helping them, HELP THE KIDS.
>>I am not even asking you to tell me if you are going to do it.. I am sending

>>you the address of where everything needs to go. If you want a Thank you,

>>please put a note in your package, with your E mail and US MAIL address so

>>they can get back to you. ANY AMOUNT is ok.
>>ITS IMPERATIVE it is addressed exact:
>>Captain Joe Tudela
>>HHD, 299th FSB
>>Camp Bondsteel
>>Task Force Falcon
>> APO AE 09340-0299
>>Please FEEL FREE TO FORWARD this MESSAGE to all your friends, any web sites,

>>or any mailing lists you might be on, churches, Newspapers, etc. COPY CUT

>>IF you have questions about this mail OUT, I will put you in direct contact

>>with JOE.
>>troops in KOSOVO that will be starting on 9-20. This will also be a THANK

>>you Party for them for what they are doing.
>>The TROOPS, My-Self, Rita, The cobra
>>Myonica ,Nicole, Rhonda, Shirley, and Sue
>>and the CHILDREN of KOSOVO thank you
>>from the BOTTOM of our hearts.
>>Luvs ya All
>>Cobra Mom
Tanya in WA (state)


Lisa Fuller

I am getting tired of Tanya in WA s posts. Is there anything that can be done to
keep her from posting these messages? I feel they are clogging up my mailbox and
building resentment that she feels this is important information for the list.
Isn't this spam?

Tanya in WA wrote:

> From: "Tanya in WA" <tbone2@...>
> we have a
> >
> >>great need in Kosovo.
> >>
> >>REMEMBER WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS and this is not something you have to
> >>do!!!!!!!!
> >>
> >>Our Main Battalion in Kosovo has adopted one of the bombed out schools and
> >
> >>have found they can't do it by themselves. Captain Joe Tudela who is our main
> >
> >>contact, at the main camp, is working with the commander of the base and
> >
> >>Joe asked if we could help.
> >>
> >>School is supposed to open on Sept 1. So this is an urgent need at this time.
> >
> >>What they are needing for the kids are school supplies. YOU WILL ALL BE GLAD
> >
> >>TO KNOW, I have got hold of another organization ( a Christan Organization
> >
> >>Group) that I have worked with since the first days of Operation M. A. L.
> >E.
> >> and they have agreed to help with the MAJOR items.
> >>
> >>What I am looking for are the other things, like School bags, Crayons,
> >>Rulers, Pencils, scissors, anything a children needs to take to school. Pony
> >
> >>tail holders for the girls, combs, anything you would buy new for a child
> >to
> >>go to school. Even Story Books. The School is K-8
> >>
> >>I know there are a lot of mixed emotions about if we should help or not,
> >
> >>because of Some people not believing in the conflict so I am leaving this
> >
> >>up to each and every individual to see if they want to. I know you all want
> >
> >>to support our troops with care packages For THEM, but we are helping our
> >
> >>troops, by helping them, HELP THE KIDS.
> >>
> >>I am not even asking you to tell me if you are going to do it.. I am sending
> >
> >>you the address of where everything needs to go. If you want a Thank you,
> >
> >>please put a note in your package, with your E mail and US MAIL address so
> >
> >>they can get back to you. ANY AMOUNT is ok.
> >>
> >>ITS IMPERATIVE it is addressed exact:
> >>
> >>Captain Joe Tudela
> >>HHD, 299th FSB
> >>Camp Bondsteel
> >>Task Force Falcon
> >> APO AE 09340-0299
> >>
> >>Please FEEL FREE TO FORWARD this MESSAGE to all your friends, any web sites,
> >
> >>or any mailing lists you might be on, churches, Newspapers, etc. COPY CUT
> >
> >>
> >>IF you have questions about this mail OUT, I will put you in direct contact
> >
> >>with JOE.
> >>
> >>Don't forget We have a Major MASS MAIL OUT FOR HALLOWEEN/THANKSGIVING for
> the
> >
> >>troops in KOSOVO that will be starting on 9-20. This will also be a THANK
> >
> >>you Party for them for what they are doing.
> >>
> >>
> >>The TROOPS, My-Self, Rita, The cobra
> >>Team
> >>Myonica ,Nicole, Rhonda, Shirley, and Sue
> >>and the CHILDREN of KOSOVO thank you
> >>from the BOTTOM of our hearts.
> >>
> >>Luvs ya All
> >>Cobra Mom
> >>Pat
> >>
> Tanya in WA (state)
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check it out!
> http://www.unschooling.com


In a message dated 8/16/99 12:49:01 AM, eifuller@... writes:

<< Is there anything that can be done to keep her from posting these
messages? >>

You mean is there some way of curbing someone's speech you don't like? ;-)

1. You can email someone privately and discuss it.

2. You can ignore any emails with their name on them.


Lisa Fuller

If it was speech I wouldn't mind. What she is sending out is random stuff,
nothing pertaining to this list. She is not part of conversation and doesn't
participate in discussions she just sends out ads and copies of random "news"
messages that do not pertain to unschooling (like this last troops thing). I
thought this was spam and was discouraged on the lists. I'm on other lists that
don't let people post if they are sending out unrelated information. I get a
lot of email and have just noticed a pattern with her posts. This has nothing
to do with "curbing her speech" I would rather it was speech! I want to hear
from her, not these unrelated subjects (I get enough of those from my family!)

JFetteroll@... wrote:

> From: JFetteroll@...
> In a message dated 8/16/99 12:49:01 AM, eifuller@... writes:
> << Is there anything that can be done to keep her from posting these
> messages? >>
> You mean is there some way of curbing someone's speech you don't like? ;-)
> 1. You can email someone privately and discuss it.
> 2. You can ignore any emails with their name on them.
> Joyce
> --------------------------- ONElist Sponsor ----------------------------
> ONElist members, don't miss out on the latest news at ONElist!
> Join our community member news update
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check it out!
> http://www.unschooling.com

Lisa Bugg

this random spam is so irrelevant as to be down right
> irritating. Thanks for speaking up

Hi all, I'll see what I can do about stopping this kind of material. Thanks
for the heads up!


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check it out!
> http://www.unschooling.com

Joel Hawthorne

I thought there is a general agreement that one should stay on-topic on a list
related to a subject. The temptation to go on at length about restorative
justice (my current passion) is great but I resist. Anyone interested can
click on the website attached to my signature. Perhaps Tanya could do
something similar for those causes she supports or email list members
individually to make her pitch for what may be outstanding causes.

The interconnectedness of everything can lead to me telling you all about my
grandmothers collection of paper ephemera which I inherited (and another
passion).....however it stretches the boundaries a little much imo.

JFetteroll@... wrote:

> From: JFetteroll@...
> In a message dated 8/16/99 12:49:01 AM, eifuller@... writes:
> << Is there anything that can be done to keep her from posting these
> messages? >>
> You mean is there some way of curbing someone's speech you don't like? ;-)
> 1. You can email someone privately and discuss it.
> 2. You can ignore any emails with their name on them.
> Joyce

best wishes

All children behave as well as they are treated. The Natural Child
Project http://naturalchild.com/home/

Work together to reinvent justice using methods that are fair; which conserve,
restore and even create harmony, equity and good will in society i.e.
restorative justice.
We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg


<<<If it was speech I wouldn't mind. What she is sending out is random
nothing pertaining to this list. She is not part of conversation and doesn't
participate in discussions she just sends out ads and copies of random
messages that do not pertain to unschooling (like this last troops thing). I
thought this was spam and was discouraged on the lists. I'm on other lists
don't let people post if they are sending out unrelated information. I get a
lot of email and have just noticed a pattern with her posts. This has
to do with "curbing her speech" I would rather it was speech! I want to hear
from her, not these unrelated subjects (I get enough of those from my

Agreed, I was wondering if anyone else was noticing this. If I wanted to be
on a list that perpetuated this kind of e mail I would have joined "spam r
us" in the first place. What gets me is a month or so ago folks were
practically pinned to the wall for saying the "C" word in here even though
it has a remote relationship to unschooling (as in, we unschool, don't use
that stuff) but this random spam is so irrelevant as to be down right
irritating. Thanks for speaking up Lisa!

<<<1. You can email someone privately and discuss it.>>>

Personally I thought something like this was the listowners responsibility.
I would be bothered to receive an unsolicited private e mail myself so I try
not to send them. It is a list issue so should be something we can discuss
as a list.

<<< 2. You can ignore any emails with their name on them.


True, and maybe the best solution for those of us who are bothered by it but
what if Tanya posted something meaningful to the group? We would be out of
the loop. <g>

Just had to put in my .02

Mary in Idaho (opinionated at best)

Joel Hawthorne

Eeeek! Maybe I wasn't here a month ago but what is the "C" word? Can it be
repeated? Even privately? Is it drug related? Is it.......curriculum? Somebody
please tell me.

mrstar wrote:

> What gets me is a month or so ago folks were
> practically pinned to the wall for saying the "C" word in here even though
> it has a remote relationship to unschooling (as in, we unschool, don't use
> that stuff) but this random spam is so irrelevant as to be down right
> irritating.

best wishes

All children behave as well as they are treated. The Natural Child
Project http://naturalchild.com/home/

Work together to reinvent justice using methods that are fair; which conserve,
restore and even create harmony, equity and good will in society i.e.
restorative justice.
We are the prisoners of the prisoners we have taken - J. Clegg


<<<Is it.......curriculum?>>>

That's the one. <bwg>


Heck, last month not only couldn't you use the "C" word, if your weren't
famous, you couldn't have an opinion! LOL