Joseph A. & Susan D. Fuerst

Re: The question on who has good penmanship,,,,,,I'm in the camp with those
who have good penmasship. I enjoy writing and the written word. And also
do calligraphy as a hobby. I get compliments on my handwriting
frequently...ususally by people who *wish* they had nice penmanship.
Guess it's a talent, and learned (practiced) for those who love
it great, and for others, as long as people can understand your
communications, it doesn't matter. Hopefully, we can all appreciate each
other's varying talents...i.e., people who dont draw or paint well still
admire Monets, Renoirs, etc.

RE: The gifted label..........
I, too, was good at *school* as a child - skipped a grade in grade school,
read way above my grade level. Our school didnn't have a gifted program,
so we were called "brains" (derogatory) by other students.
Thankfully, college was generally more of an unschooling experience. And
by the time I was finished getting academic awards there....I had also
gained the self knowledge to know I needed to learn 'everyday living'
skills; and I had gained the courage to tell my professor that I would not
be going on to graduate school right away. (he was disappointed, but I'm
convinced I would've become an *educated dimwit*) I think I've managed to
gain much more balance between *common sense* and intelligence. I've also
gained an appreciation for intelligence....I don't think I'm superior in
anyway (in fact I often feel inferior to those with high emotional
intelligence or "people smarts")....but I hope I can use the
intelligence/talents I do have to serve others.

Just my $ 0.02!!