Nancy from MI


Thanks! That is an awesome site! We will stay VERY busy using this


--- In Unschooling-dotcom@y..., A <hooperck@a...> wrote:
> Nanci, I just received my homeschooling newsletter. There
> this article about gardening with kids... thought of you.
> Ann

Nanci Kuykendall

>Nanci, I just received my homeschooling
>newsletter. There was this article about gardening
>with kids... thought of you.

Hi Ann,

I assume that you were confused and meant this for
Nancy and not me. I have not been doing much
gardening or anything else lately, as I am very ill
right now. I have been feverish off and on and the
glands in the left side of my throat are visable
swollen. Feels like I have broken glass in my throat
every time I swallow. I don't want to go to the doc
and shell out a bunch of money, so am hoping that this
is something I can kick on my own. Any ideas folks?

By the way Pris, I remember you too hun. I have just
been too sick to post.

Nanci K.

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Oh Nanci, I'm sorry...I did mean it for Nancy...
Take lots of vitamin C and Echinacea...drink lots of water and orange juice, and sleep, sleep, sleep!! If that doesn't work, go to the Dr,
and tell him to keep his huge bills, just give you some antibiotic since that is what he would do anyway....
Get better soon!

Vaughnde Edwards

sounds like mumps or tonsilitis. Could be strep...its been going around real good right now. You'd better go in anyway whether you want to or herbal remedy will work against any of the above.

Vaughnde Lee
Missoula, Montana

-----Original Message-----
From: Nanci Kuykendall <aisliin@...>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] For Nanci...Gardening with kids

>Nanci, I just received my homeschooling
>newsletter. There was this article about gardening
>with kids... thought of you.

Hi Ann,

I assume that you were confused and meant this for
Nancy and not me. I have not been doing much
gardening or anything else lately, as I am very ill
right now. I have been feverish off and on and the
glands in the left side of my throat are visable
swollen. Feels like I have broken glass in my throat
every time I swallow. I don't want to go to the doc
and shell out a bunch of money, so am hoping that this
is something I can kick on my own. Any ideas folks?

By the way Pris, I remember you too hun. I have just
been too sick to post.

Nanci K.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Valerie Stewart

sounds like mumps or tonsilitis. Could be strep...its been going around real
good right now. You'd better go in anyway whether you want to or
herbal remedy will work against any of the above.

Vaughnde Lee

***I was thinking the same thing. The "crushed glass" feeling is common with
strep, isn't it? And mumps, too if I remember right. Good luck Nanci. I feel
for you.

Valerie in Tacoma


I feel your pain, Nanci. Literally. I am just gettin
gover such yuckiness myself. My glands finally aren't
swollen anymore and my fever FINALLY went away. I twas
only there off and on for like three dayz....(but then
there is that whole loss of concept of time when you
have a fever...)...but that was QUITE enough. I now
have this ANNOYING cough and stuffed/runny nose that
weren't there with the fever and aches, and I almost
wish I could switch back to the easier part...being
the fever/aches...cuz now I FEEL better, but every
time I try to talk or laugh or DO anything I go into a
coughing fit. UGGGGHHH!!!
I just drank alot of echinacea/elderberry tea and took
loads and loads of vitamin C and garlic and took lots
and lots of baths. Oh heavenly baths. What world the
world be without them. Oh, and rested. I have this pet
peeve, or theory or whatever you want to call it. If
you are really sick. Stop. Let yourself be sick. and
Get over it. Most people in my family are obsessive
"get-things-done"ers and therefore they never truly
get a sickness out of their system until it finally
catches up with them and knocks them flat on their
butts for not taking a day or two off and resting
sooner. So if that's possible for you, I highly
recommend it. Catch up on some Jerry Springer or
something. :)
(Just a joke, people....)

> I am very ill
> right now. I have been feverish off and on and the
> glands in the left side of my throat are visable
> swollen. Feels like I have broken glass in my
> throat
> every time I swallow. I don't want to go to the doc
> and shell out a bunch of money, so am hoping that
> this
> is something I can kick on my own. Any ideas folks?
> By the way Pris, I remember you too hun. I have
> just
> been too sick to post.
> Nanci K.
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