Nancy from MI

Hey, Juli!

In an earlier post of yours, you asked me where I live in MI and that
you live in the UP. I live in the Detroit area. Yes, it is GREAT to
live in Michigan and home school ... especially unschool. Very easy.
I hope it stays that way. Where in the UP are you? We spent our
honeymoon in St. Ignace. We drove up see Taquamanon Falls and we also
went on the Agawa Canyon train. Beautiful! I am jealous that you live
up there and we don't!



We're in Marquette, the UP's "city." :) I love it
here. We're right on Lake Superior, and it's a
friendly small town, but because of the university,
it's not hickish, you know? We love St. Ignace, or
more exactly, Mackinac Island. If you ever come up
here for a trip, we could meet! Juli

--- Nancy from MI <hammondcentral@...>
> Hey, Juli!
> In an earlier post of yours, you asked me where I
> live in MI and that
> you live in the UP. I live in the Detroit area. Yes,
> it is GREAT to
> live in Michigan and home school ... especially
> unschool. Very easy.
> I hope it stays that way. Where in the UP are you?
> We spent our
> honeymoon in St. Ignace. We drove up see Taquamanon
> Falls and we also
> went on the Agawa Canyon train. Beautiful! I am
> jealous that you live
> up there and we don't!
> ~Nancy

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself --Galileo

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My sister used to live up near Marquette at the Air Force base (when it was one).  We used to go up a couple times a year to visit and loved it!!!  What a beautiful place to live, though I admit, the snow would be a bit much.  After 8 yrs in Marquette and another couple in N. Dakota she was so ready for her current posting in Texas!
April (also from Michigan, Metro Detroit area)
-----Original Message-----
From: Juli [mailto:yuliwomie@...]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Juli/Michigan

We're in Marquette, the UP's "city." :) I love it
here. We're right on Lake Superior, and it's a
friendly small town, but because of the university,
it's not hickish, you know? We love St. Ignace, or
more exactly, Mackinac Island. If you ever come up
here for a trip, we could meet! Juli

--- Nancy from MI <hammondcentral@...>
> Hey, Juli!
> In an earlier post of yours, you asked me where I
> live in MI and that
> you live in the UP. I live in the Detroit area. Yes,
> it is GREAT to
> live in Michigan and home school ... especially
> unschool. Very easy.
> I hope it stays that way. Where in the UP are you?
> We spent our
> honeymoon in St. Ignace. We drove up see Taquamanon
> Falls and we also
> went on the Agawa Canyon train. Beautiful! I am
> jealous that you live
> up there and we don't!
> ~Nancy

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself --Galileo

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Awww, you guys are making me homesick....
I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, but we had a summer home in Land O Lakes, WI... We always went up to the UP. I loved it up
there...staying at lodges, going to the devil's bathtub... Stopping at Eirnerlei, and eating at the Library in Houghton/Hancock... I so
love Lake Superior. It makes me feel very homesick, although, now that I am in NC...the winters are very nice here (for the long haul) :)


Juli wrote:

> We're in Marquette, the UP's "city." :) I love it
> here. We're right on Lake Superior, and it's a
> friendly small town, but because of the university,
> it's not hickish, you know? We love St. Ignace, or
> more exactly, Mackinac Island. If you ever come up
> here for a trip, we could meet! Juli
> --- Nancy from MI <hammondcentral@...>
> wrote:
> > Hey, Juli!
> >
> > In an earlier post of yours, you asked me where I
> > live in MI and that
> > you live in the UP. I live in the Detroit area. Yes,
> > it is GREAT to
> > live in Michigan and home school ... especially
> > unschool. Very easy.
> > I hope it stays that way. Where in the UP are you?
> > We spent our
> > honeymoon in St. Ignace. We drove up see Taquamanon
> > Falls and we also
> > went on the Agawa Canyon train. Beautiful! I am
> > jealous that you live
> > up there and we don't!
> >
> > ~Nancy
> >
> >
> =====
> You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself --Galileo
> My online homeschooling diary:
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Uh... the Library in Houghton burned down and got
rebuilt (after a couple years) but it's all trendy,
huge picture windows. Not the same at all. Though it's
non smoking now, and I like that! Juli

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself --Galileo

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Oh no! It was so in the basement...seems like many other buildings would go too....
But, I'm willing to try the new! That place was sort of dark, but I do have some great memories of going there with my parents.

Dear Julie and whoever else is from the UP and/or from Michigan,

I, also, love the UP. My parents grew up in Iron Mountain so I've spent
quite a bit of time in that area. It wasn't until 4-5 years ago that we
made it to Marquette. My daughter and I Iove it there. We usally stay
at the Dandelion Cottage. Lake Superior is incredible! Maybe someday I
can live there! Until then I'll have to "settle" for trips there and
living down here in the metro Detroit area.

It's great to see that there are a few of us in Michigan!

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Oh my God, I live two blocks away from the Dandelion
Cottage!! If ever you come here again, let me know and
we can have lunch or even host you! Juli

> I, also, love the UP. My parents grew up in Iron
> Mountain so I've spent
> quite a bit of time in that area. It wasn't until
> 4-5 years ago that we
> made it to Marquette. My daughter and I Iove it
> there. We usally stay
> at the Dandelion Cottage. Lake Superior is
> incredible! Maybe someday I
> can live there! Until then I'll have to "settle"
> for trips there and
> living down here in the metro Detroit area.
> It's great to see that there are a few of us in
> Michigan!
> Blessings,
> Christina
> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for
> less!
> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself --Galileo

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