[email protected]

In a message dated 4/19/01 10:24:56 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

<< She got really sad and talked to me
for a long time about how much she WANTS to
homeschool, how she feels SURE it's better for the
kids, but she's single now, and she's going to college
PLUS working at night. She says she knows she could
work at night and homeschool during the day, but she
feels that getting herself a better education and job
will be better for them in the long run than if she
homeschools them while working at her minimum wage
job. >>

During the rough moments in our history I have worried about this. I
would hope I could work and alternative job or nights. When I worked for a
period of time after dd was born I worked nights as a baker and made more
money than I did before dd. Even if I had my degree (3 semesters away) I
wouldn't find work in my field here. I am not moving.

All is well but life can change and I never want to take it for granted.