Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

Furthermore, they use the
>child's intelligence to excuse the behaviour, and seem to expect the rest
of us to
>sit by while their little precious trys (literally in one case) to
strangle our
>kids. Say what? Yes, I believe in respectful parenting, but I also believe in
>respecting other people in society too.

I, for one, wholeheartedly agree with you. I am one for whom manners go
hand in hand with respect for others. Maybe I am old fashioned, but I like
it that way. I send thank you notes, I encourage my children to be polite
and respectful to their friends and each other, we say thank you, please,
your welcome and I'm sorry to each other in this house. That means adults
to each other, children to each other, and adults to children or vice
versa. Respecting others' boundaries and differences doesn't stop at the
door, either. I try to instill in my children the rightness of treating
others well and being "good" to people. Sometimes a little bit of kindness
can work wonders for someone, and you may even make a stranger's day.

Nanci K. in Idaho