[Unschooling-dotcom] attachments
Nanci Kuykendall
I take that back, I got THREE from Johanna, all in
response to recent posts of mine. None has any text
but <<check out the attacment>>
Nanci K.
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response to recent posts of mine. None has any text
but <<check out the attacment>>
Nanci K.
Do You Yahoo!?
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Vaughnde Edwards
same here and the attatchments are invalid. I'm not sure
what this hamster thingy is...but I'm deleting all msg with that
-----Original Message-----I take that back, I got THREE from Johanna, all in
From: Nanci Kuykendall <aisliin@...>
To: Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com <Unschooling-dotcom@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:52 AM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] attachments
response to recent posts of mine. None has any text
but <<check out the attacment>>
Nanci K.
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---Date: Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:52 AM
I am also getting a little box that keeps coming up telling me my
computer has commited an illegal act - usually on Johanna's posts
(but not always)
I dont know a great deal about the workings of computers - so this
could just be coincidental.
We also have a virus detector thing on the computer, and it has not
detected any virus.
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] attachmentsI am getting these attachments too.
> I take that back, I got THREE from Johanna, all in
> response to recent posts of mine. None has any text
> but <<check out the attacment>>
I am also getting a little box that keeps coming up telling me my
computer has commited an illegal act - usually on Johanna's posts
(but not always)
I dont know a great deal about the workings of computers - so this
could just be coincidental.
We also have a virus detector thing on the computer, and it has not
detected any virus.
I got an error message with one of Johanna's e-mails too. My computer
asked if I wanted to view the message in plain text instead and that worked
I know it won't guarantee that I won't get a virus, but I don't open
attachments, even from people I know, unless there is introductory text that
makes sense to me.
Mary Ellen
Because the brain is overloaded most of the time
with incoming information, it seems that one of its functions
is to screen out a large proportion of incoming perceptions.
I am also getting a little box that keeps coming up telling me my
computer has commited an illegal act - usually on Johanna's posts
(but not always)
Valerie Stewart
Hi everyone. I was hit with a bad computer virus last Wednesday and my
computer was toast until just this morning. I am sorry if anyone else got
the virus by attachments sent through my email.
As you all know by now, it was a fast moving one. I tried to stop the
messages from going out, but 3 got by me before I could disable it. I'm
Valerie Stewart
computer was toast until just this morning. I am sorry if anyone else got
the virus by attachments sent through my email.
As you all know by now, it was a fast moving one. I tried to stop the
messages from going out, but 3 got by me before I could disable it. I'm
Valerie Stewart
In a message dated 4/23/01 8:36:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, vlos@...
<< As you all know by now, it was a fast moving one. I tried to stop the
messages from going out, but 3 got by me before I could disable it. I'm
Valerie Stewart
<< As you all know by now, it was a fast moving one. I tried to stop the
messages from going out, but 3 got by me before I could disable it. I'm
Valerie Stewart
>>Glad to hear you got your computer going again and you are back...