[email protected]

My son and daughter decided to go flatting to gether. They managed
to find a nice house at the other side of town. Now before I go any
furthet I have to tell you that my son is the most honest person you
could come across - if any one else had told me this I would have
probable have said "Oh yea!"
On the first night in this house as my son was falling a sleep he saw
this lady in white floating in the corner of the bedroom. Thinking
he was dreaming he closed his eyes and opened them again - she was
still there - and was there almost every night.
Several weeks after they moved in dd was stood at the front of the
house and saw this shadow go past ds bedroom window, thinking it was
ds she shouted 'Hello' as she went into house - no answere - so she
popped her head into room - no one there - ds was in the shower.
This bedroom was always very cold.
ds was usually home from work first. This day dd arrived home and as
she opened the door could here ds in kitchen as usual - but when she
went into kitchen there was no-one there.......
Needless to say they didnt stay there very long....