Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1101
Nina Sutcliffe
WOW! i never knew... I'm assuming the old train depot and hotels are the
ones in RR Square in Santa Rosa? I worked at the Chevy's there, but never
really explored around much in that area, other than restaurants and used
furniture stores... I'm also assuming those are the same tracks that head up
to healdsburg... funny the stuff you see when you're racing around (this was
before kids) but never stop (slow down) long enough to wonder about it. Now
that I have kids, I slow down and wonder quite a bit more.... makes me
wonder about all the other stuff I've missed in my too buy days...
I can't wait to go back and visit... we have friends in Santa Rosa and in
Sebastopol. We will definitely ride the train... (unless it's pocketbook
wrenching expensive!!)
Thanks for all the updates... where do you live??
Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
Work At Home! I Do!
MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
ones in RR Square in Santa Rosa? I worked at the Chevy's there, but never
really explored around much in that area, other than restaurants and used
furniture stores... I'm also assuming those are the same tracks that head up
to healdsburg... funny the stuff you see when you're racing around (this was
before kids) but never stop (slow down) long enough to wonder about it. Now
that I have kids, I slow down and wonder quite a bit more.... makes me
wonder about all the other stuff I've missed in my too buy days...
I can't wait to go back and visit... we have friends in Santa Rosa and in
Sebastopol. We will definitely ride the train... (unless it's pocketbook
wrenching expensive!!)
Thanks for all the updates... where do you live??
Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
Work At Home! I Do!
MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: 7 Apr 2001 16:50:55 -0000
> To:
> Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1101
> Message: 16
> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 08:41:15 -0700
> From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
> Subject: Re: family history..
> family history..Nina, the train did a fork at Healdsburg. You could go with
> the Express which went through SR (the old train depot and hotels which are
> all stone, are still standing and have been renovated) or the Local which went
> to Sebastopol. The one that went to Sebastopol went riight down the middle of
> the street through downtown Sebastopol. They only took those tracks up in the
> 70s.
> The line still goes through SR and Healdsburg and will be up and running this
> summer. By next summer they are hoping to have it open from Marin to Humboldt
> with excersion trains running. They are buying up old Pullman's (real
> antiques with all that cush red velvet).
> Lynda
Nina Sutcliffe
Great sign!!! I'm making a copy for my desk right away... ifn' you don't
mind me plagerizing??
Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
Work At Home! I Do!
MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
mind me plagerizing??
Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
Work At Home! I Do!
MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
> Message: 19
> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 09:31:56 -0700
> From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: Here's a good one
> I figure this sort of thing falls under the sign I have above my desk:
> "If a cluttered desk top is the sign of a cluttered mind,
> What is an empty desk top a sign of?"
> Lynda
I'm in Eureka (Humboldt County) but we lived in Sonoma County for more years
than I care to remember <g> Just a note of interest, small world thing,
Gaye LeBaron (Press Democrat columnist) is from Humboldt County as is Trioni
(Sonoma County banker and developer) as is the Giannini that started BofA.
Lynda, the history and genelogy nut <g>
than I care to remember <g> Just a note of interest, small world thing,
Gaye LeBaron (Press Democrat columnist) is from Humboldt County as is Trioni
(Sonoma County banker and developer) as is the Giannini that started BofA.
Lynda, the history and genelogy nut <g>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina Sutcliffe" <ninacs@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1101
> WOW! i never knew... I'm assuming the old train depot and hotels are the
> ones in RR Square in Santa Rosa? I worked at the Chevy's there, but never
> really explored around much in that area, other than restaurants and used
> furniture stores... I'm also assuming those are the same tracks that head
> to healdsburg... funny the stuff you see when you're racing around (this
> before kids) but never stop (slow down) long enough to wonder about it.
> that I have kids, I slow down and wonder quite a bit more.... makes me
> wonder about all the other stuff I've missed in my too buy days...
> I can't wait to go back and visit... we have friends in Santa Rosa and in
> Sebastopol. We will definitely ride the train... (unless it's pocketbook
> wrenching expensive!!)
> Thanks for all the updates... where do you live??
> Nina
> --
> Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
> Work At Home! I Do!
> MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
> > From:
> > Reply-To:
> > Date: 7 Apr 2001 16:50:55 -0000
> > To:
> > Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1101
> >
> >
> > Message: 16
> > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 08:41:15 -0700
> > From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
> > Subject: Re: family history..
> >
> > family history..Nina, the train did a fork at Healdsburg. You could go
> > the Express which went through SR (the old train depot and hotels which
> > all stone, are still standing and have been renovated) or the Local
which went
> > to Sebastopol. The one that went to Sebastopol went riight down the
middle of
> > the street through downtown Sebastopol. They only took those tracks up
in the
> > 70s.
> >
> > The line still goes through SR and Healdsburg and will be up and running
> > summer. By next summer they are hoping to have it open from Marin to
> > with excersion trains running. They are buying up old Pullman's (real
> > antiques with all that cush red velvet).
> >
> > Lynda
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Be my guest <g> Put if you hang it up at work, don't blame me if your boss
frowns like mine did %-}
frowns like mine did %-}
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina Sutcliffe" <ninacs@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1101
> Great sign!!! I'm making a copy for my desk right away... ifn' you don't
> mind me plagerizing??
> Nina
> --
> Only the dreamer can change the dream.....
> Work At Home! I Do!
> MONTHLY Flat-Rate Long-Distance
> >
> > Message: 19
> > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 09:31:56 -0700
> > From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
> > Subject: Re: Re: Here's a good one
> >
> > I figure this sort of thing falls under the sign I have above my desk:
> >
> > "If a cluttered desk top is the sign of a cluttered mind,
> > What is an empty desk top a sign of?"
> >
> > Lynda
> Message boards, timely articles, a free newsletter and more!
> Check it all out at:
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