In a message dated 4/4/1 2:50:44 AM,

<<I was not as
troubled as I seemed, but I tend to get carried away
when writing about...anything. :)
Thanks, again. Caring posts are so nice to hear.

In a message dated 4/4/1 2:50:44 AM,

<<I was not as
troubled as I seemed, but I tend to get carried away
when writing about...anything. :)
Thanks, again. Caring posts are so nice to hear.
Have you thought of writing? Short stories, novels, kids books... Also,
besides all the stuff that's been suggested to be calmer- do you journal? If
all else fails, this usually works for me before sleep.



have I ever thought of writing? <BG> No, I've never
THOUGHT about it. :) I just do it. Alot. But not
enough to keep up with all the ideas and characters
and stories in my head. :) My latest pursuit that I'm
determined to actually FINISH (I usually don't finish
them, cuz a short story feels like I'm leaving
everything else that happens later out, and a novel
just doesn't ever end. :)...) is about a girl named
Nari. It's kind of a odd mix of fantasy (as in
faeries, elves, etc...and involving characters that
I've been writing about for years and years now),
science fiction, adventure, cyberpunk, and nonsense.
Who knows how it will turn out. But I am determined it
WILL end up being a complete "project", that hopefully
maye someday will be published. I usually don't think
in those terms, but I've been lately looking into alot
of different mags that accept unsolicited work
(fiction's really more my bag, I've decided) and
making myself have a nice little free-writing time
every day. I've never been much for journaling in the
sense of writing personal stuff down, but my free
writing notebook is kind of like a journal to me.
Thanks for asking, though. Love to talk about writing,
I do. :)
--- noni411@... wrote:
> In a message dated 4/4/1 2:50:44 AM,
> writes:
> <<I was not as
> troubled as I seemed, but I tend to get carried away
> when writing about...anything. :)
> Thanks, again. Caring posts are so nice to hear.
> -Bobbie>>
> Have you thought of writing? Short stories, novels,
> kids books... Also,
> besides all the stuff that's been suggested to be
> calmer- do you journal? If
> all else fails, this usually works for me before
> sleep.
> Vic

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