Tami Labig-Duquette

That reminds me of a CD we have called "Free To Be You and ME", Marlo Thomas
had it made for her niece ( I think it was, story is inside on the jacket).
There is a song on it called "William Wants A Doll", pretty much the same as
you said only a song. The entire CD is AWESOME! I had it when I was growing
up, then bought for my kidlets, we went through 2 tapes and finally bought
the CD, lasts much longer :)

>From: megates@...
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Re: books for boys
>Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 08:47:59 -0800
>We just finished "Lady Daisy". A 9 year old boy finds a Victorian era
>doll in his Grandmother's attic. She lets him keep it, but he has to
>deal with his Dad and a boy at school giving him a hard time about it.
>(The parts about school are only very small parts of the story.) The
>doll talks, but of course, grownups can't hear it. An absolutely
>wonderful story, that had me with tears in my eyes at the end.
>Mary Ellen
>March is National Nutrition Month
>Did you eat your 5 today?
>(fruits and vegetables, that is!)

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[email protected]

We bought a "Groovy Boy" doll for my son and he loves it, he also plays with
his siter's "Groovy Girl". If you haven't seen the "Groovy Boy" and "Groovy
Girl" line of dolls and accessories check out the Manhattan Toy web site,
they're so cool.




cool beans, thanks.

--- louisaem@... wrote:
> We bought a "Groovy Boy" doll for my son and he
> loves it, he also plays with
> his siter's "Groovy Girl". If you haven't seen the
> "Groovy Boy" and "Groovy
> Girl" line of dolls and accessories check out the
> Manhattan Toy web site,
> they're so cool.
> http://www.manhattantoy.com
> Kris

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