Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 1082
In a message dated 4/3/01 12:27:34 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
<< Also you could make iced tea or sun tea (some non
caffenated one) and just add a couple sleepytime bags
in with the mix, serve it with dinner. Just a few
-Bobbie >>
This is a great idea, thank you. I am actually making tea right now b/c
she has a cough. I can't believe she is going for it. I cannot mention honey
though, for some reason she swears she doesn't like it. Strange.
NICKI~ writes:
<< Also you could make iced tea or sun tea (some non
caffenated one) and just add a couple sleepytime bags
in with the mix, serve it with dinner. Just a few
-Bobbie >>
This is a great idea, thank you. I am actually making tea right now b/c
she has a cough. I can't believe she is going for it. I cannot mention honey
though, for some reason she swears she doesn't like it. Strange.
In a message dated 4/3/01 12:27:34 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
<< What if we all say magic words
for each other and YANK the toothpicks out of each
others eyes really quick and see what happens.
cybersleep. there ought to be such a thing. You could
plug in, charge up, rest up, and not have to actually
PUT yourself to sleep as though you were a child.
I'm going to invent it. Who's with me?
-Bobbie >>
Can you do a pain management program too please. My mind and my body
keep me awake.
NICKI~ :o) writes:
<< What if we all say magic words
for each other and YANK the toothpicks out of each
others eyes really quick and see what happens.
cybersleep. there ought to be such a thing. You could
plug in, charge up, rest up, and not have to actually
PUT yourself to sleep as though you were a child.
I'm going to invent it. Who's with me?
-Bobbie >>
Can you do a pain management program too please. My mind and my body
keep me awake.
NICKI~ :o)
cool. I'm glad she's going for it. Let me know how it
all works out. :)
--who seems to have worried a few people with my long
-winded tangent. :) sorry.
(maybe I know where ds gets his "high spirits" from,
--- RValvo7626@... wrote:
Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
all works out. :)
--who seems to have worried a few people with my long
-winded tangent. :) sorry.
(maybe I know where ds gets his "high spirits" from,
--- RValvo7626@... wrote:
> In a message dated 4/3/01 12:27:34 AM Mountain__________________________________________________
> Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Also you could make iced tea or sun tea (some non
> caffenated one) and just add a couple sleepytime
> bags
> in with the mix, serve it with dinner. Just a few
> suggestions.
> -Bobbie >>
> This is a great idea, thank you. I am actually
> making tea right now b/c
> she has a cough. I can't believe she is going for
> it. I cannot mention honey
> though, for some reason she swears she doesn't like
> it. Strange.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
I'll work on it. One of my late night brainstorms. :)
-who has now added Nicki's mind adn body pain to her
worry list. :)
--- RValvo7626@... wrote:
Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
-who has now added Nicki's mind adn body pain to her
worry list. :)
--- RValvo7626@... wrote:
> In a message dated 4/3/01 12:27:34 AM Mountain__________________________________________________
> Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Can you do a pain management program too
> please. My mind and my body
> keep me awake.
> NICKI~ :o)
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